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"Trix? Can you hear me?"
"What?" I snap out of my daze as I hear my nickname and focus on the hand waving in front of my face. The hand belongs to my best friend, Katie Major.
"You zoned out again," she says. "We're here now, crazy."

Crap, how long was I zoned out? Long enough to get from London to Scotland? It's not like Katie cares anyway, as long as something's there for her to talk to, she'll talk.

Katie raises an eyebrow at me and yanks me up from my seat on the train.
"Come on!" She whines. I roll my eyes.
"Fine, fine, I'm coming." I mumble and straighten my Gryffindor robes.

Katie and I have been friends since first year—the extroverted counterpart to my shy self. She's kind of obsessed with looks and clothes and as much as wish I could say I'm not, some of her so-called 'fashion sense' must have rubbed off on me somewhere along the way. I still prefer to sit inside alone (or with Katie) though. I sometimes wonder why she sticks around with me instead of having the big group of friends that would suit her so well.

We stumble onto the station, trying to bump into as few people as possible, and make our way towards the carriages. They're meant to pull themselves but I've heard a few rumours about invisible horses. I don't really know what the deal is with them though, so I just climb in and sit next to Katie.

Katie starts to make conversation with the girls opposite us: Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil.
"So," she starts. "Anyone heard about what happened at the World Cup?"
Lavender and Parvati share a glance. I stare at Katie.

"Wait, what happened?" I ask. She sits up in her seat.
"There was a Death Eater attack."
"Really? Oh god," I gasp. Lavender decides to chime in,
"I heard they had to send people from the Ministry to sort out the muggles." She says and Parvati nods. Well crap...

Soon enough, the carriage stops outside the gates and we make our way towards the castle. Dammit, I missed the food trolley!
"Merlin, I'm starving." I complain.
"Oh shut up. We're nearly there." Katie tells me, her immaculate ponytail of glossy brown hair swinging behind her.

Honestly, she's pretty much perfect. It's no wonder all the boys fancy her; she's stunning, fun, bubbly...

"Uhh, hello? You zoned out, again!" Katie nudges me.
"Oh. Yeah, cool, I was just thinking and that."
"About what?"
"About what I'm gonna eat when I get to the feast in like a million years! Seriously, I'm so hungry."

Katie looks at me sceptically. "Okay...?" I blush slightly, wondering if she had somehow heard what I was actually thinking about. I mean it's not like I like her or anything, I would just rather have my thoughts, you know, not magically read by other people.

"Oh, look! We there!" I hastily change the subject.
"Ugh, good." Katie groans as we file into the Great Hall.

Taking a seat at the Gryffindor table, we relax as the hall fills up. I notice Harry staring at Cho Chang and a rush of blood appears in my cheeks. I don't like Harry, but I find myself watching him sometimes. In a non stalkery way obviously. He's interesting. His story's kind of tragic, actually. I mean, the Chosen One... it's a lot to live up to.

"You okay?" My best friend asks.
"Y-yeah." I reply, blushing even further.
"Oohhh, I get it." She smirks.
"No— "
"You fancy someone, don't you!"

No. No. Nopity nope nope. No. I do not fancy Harry. I'm pretty sure I already said that anyway.

"Okay, okay, who — "
"Please, Katie, just shut up."
"Is it Ron? Ooh, what about Dean? Wait, no, I'm pretty sure he's gay. Seamus? No, I think he's gay too. Actually I think they're a thing if you know — "
"Kate!" I screech.
"Okay!" She finally gives up.

I don't know what it is about Harry Potter, but there's something. He always gets into trouble and somehow saves the school at the same time. But I don't think that's why I'm drawn to him. Maybe it's his modesty? I don't get to dwell on it for long though, because Dumbledore's started his speech. New DADA teacher, blah blah blah... Triwizard Tournament, huh?

"You really zoned out again, huh? Just staring at — " Katie gasps. "The Chosen One? Oh, Beatrix, you have no idea how much I'm gonna hold this to you!"

I just groan into my plate and close my eyes. She's not entirely wrong, but I don't have a crush on him or anything! Yeah, I'm just intrigued...

Katie just lifts my head from the table and starts piling my plate with my favourite foods, calm as anything. Oh no. She's going to try and get me to flirt with him! This is so against the rules. Yeah. The rules of friendship say that you can't— that you can't— damn it! I can't think of anything that'll get her to stop...

Before I can do anything, Katie finally speaks.
"Eat delicately, and make eye contact. Not too long though—just a few seconds, then smirk and look away. Ooh, just go back to your food and flicker your eyes back to him every so often— "
"Please, Kate I don't need your Boy Talk. I don't even like him!" I say.
"Oh come on, Trix!"
"Please stop calling me that."
"Fine. I'll start calling you Bea." She states. I glare in response.

I roll my eyes and go back to my potatoes — perfectly crispy, flawlessly salted—

Oh, who am I kidding, I want to try it. So I glance across the table at Harry, only to find him already looking at me! Shit! Did he hear our conversation? No. He's too far away for that. Right?

I blush and turn away, and apparently so does he, because I can hear Ron mutter,
"What the bloody hell was that, mate? You looked like a stalker,", which makes me blush further. Dang it! Why am I such an idiot?

Wait... if he was already looking at me, and Ron knew? No, that's so dumb, the Chosen One wouldn't like me. I don't even like him! God, there is something seriously wrong with me.

I finish my dinner and, to my surprise, Katie doesn't say anything. Until we get to the fourth year girls' dormitory.
"You are gonna get that boy! Oh, this is going to be so much fun." She squeals.
"For you maybe. For the last time, I don't like him!" I groan and flop onto my bed.

This certainly is gonna be one hell of a year.


A/n: Hey guys, thank you for reading my book! Also, sorry if I forget any details or diverge from cannon a bit :)

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