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Khushi vaguely remembers falling asleep on the trip from the hospital to her new home..... opening first one eye and then the other, she cautiously takes in her new surroundings..... she had hoped that she would atleast would have remembered this place if she got here but all she feels is a blank void....

She begins to tell herself that rehan wouldn't steer her wrong, he might be here somewhere...he wouldn't just abandon her in an unknown place.... this must be her home...

she's still in the middle of her thoughts when she hears two angry voices not far off from her of them suspiciously being rehan' she decides to inspect and gets out of her bed...

"What is the meaning of this rehan?" Pradeep yells

"Dad keep your voice down, she could hear you..." rehan says

"Why won't let me talk to her and why is she in that is she here...she was supposed to be gone , somewhere.." pradeep yells even louder

"dad do you trust me?" rehan asks

"no..." pradeep answers

"Do you at least trust that I would never hurt khushi at least not intentionally , I have her best interests at heart....?" He asks again

"that I trust..." Pradeep says lowering his voice

" Do you love me dad??" rehan asks

"It's not like I have a choice not share my genes and I happen to like myself alot, it wouldn't make sense if I didn't harbour an ounce of affection towards you..." pradeep answers

"A simple yes or no would have sufficed..." Rehan replies with a frown

" You only ask me that question when you have done something wrong rehan, so what kind of unforeseen yet completely predictable stupidity did you come up with now?" Pradeep raises his voice a little now

"How about we find somewhere to sit to talk about this?" Rehan asks

" How about no?" pradeep says

"Dad she's not the same...she had a nasty accident and I didn't tell you because the doctors weren't even sure she was going to make it and she did...I thought she was fine, I thought that she had come back to us, but then she woke up and she didn't know me dad... she didn't even know what her name was until I told she--- " rehan stops mid way in rumble when pradeep holds up his palm

"She had an accident that threatened her accident that I didn't know about until accident that you knew accident you deliberately chose not to tell me accident that you----

"Yes dad an accident...your missing the point here dad...if she saw you now she wouldn't remember you...she doesn't remember anything..she lost her memory...all of it..." Rehan cuts him off

"something tells me that's not all you did...and that the worst is yet to come..." pradeep says calmly

"She couldn't recognize ansh...she assumed he was my son and I didn't know how to tell her otherwise..." rehan says waiting for the outrage that's sure to follow

but instead pradeep says "so you told her name but not her son, rehan what have you done?"

"She's delicate...if she finds out she forgot about her own son ... she will beat herself up about it and she doesn't need the stress..." Rehan says

"you mean the question that would follow...the child's father...rehan tell me you didn't do this because of that young man..arnav was it?" Pradeep asks

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