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I hate you for what you did, and I miss you like a little kid
(Motion Sickness - Phoebe Bridgers)

BLAIRE GOT TO THE GREAT HALL JUST AS the owls were coming. She barely got mail anymore, so she was surprised when one dropped in her usual seat. She saw the familiar royal blue crest on the letter, showing that it was from her parents:

Blaire, your father and I have heard of your sisters' little relationship. Not only are we disappointed in her, but we're also disappointed in you for not doing something about it. We expect the problem to be solved by Christmas break.

Blaire closed the letter and crumbled it up in her hand. They should understand that she tried to do something. She looked back at the Gryffindor table and felt herself getting angrier. Maybe she was afraid of what her parents might do to Beatrice, but how dare she do what she wanted without thinking about the consequences for others. Blaire did everything for Beatrice, and what did Beatrice do? She made sure Blaire went down with her. Before she knew it, she was walking over to the Gryffindor table.

"Hey, isn't that your sister?" Mary Macdonald said Blaire sat between Sirius and her sister.

"Are you an actual idiot?" She said. "Seriously? Dating Sirius Black out of all people."

"Leave me alone," Beatrice snapped back, her voice getting loud. "It's none of your business."

Blaire could see everyone, especially the Slytherins, were watching.

"I can't leave you alone when you're hanging around this kind of people." She pulled out the crumpled letter, watching as Beatrice read it. "You can do whatever you want in private, but don't embarrass the family name like this in front of everyone."

"I don't give a shit about you or anyone in that stupid household," Beatrice said. "You and all of those Voldemort worshippers or whatever will burn in Hell —"

Blaire narrowed her eyes and struck her sister. "Don't speak of things you don't understand," she said, trying to compose herself. "you'll be just like those muggles in the papers soon. Dead. And no matter what you might want to believe, Sirius nor I will be able to help you. And maybe I'll be happy when that does happen. You'll be one less problem I have in my life."

Blaire stood up, ignoring the glares from the Gryffindor table. She needed space from Beatrice. She needed space from everyone. She was almost to the dungeons when she heard a distinct voice calling after her. She turned to see Lily Evans following her.

"You are a horrible person," Lily said. "truly a terrible person! How could you say that to Beatrice?"

"Piss off Evans."

"No," Lily said as she caught up with her. She grabbed her arm so she wouldn't leave. "what is wrong with you? Why are you so upset all the time?"

"Let me go!" Blaire seethed, pulling out her wand.

Lily's grip faltered a little, but she didn't back off. "Your sister needs you! She needs your support! I don't believe you're as evil as your parents —"

Blaire finally got out of Lily's grip. "You might think you know me just because of that little mistake of a meeting that happened, but you don't. I was drunk. If I were sober, I would've never even spared a look at you. Leave me alone."

                                      𝖇 ✿

Potions was very tense that morning; the Gryffindors, especially Sirius and Beatrice, were glaring at Blaire, while the Slytherins and Ravenclaws were whispering about what had happened at Breakfast. Of course, Professor Slughorn didn't seem to notice. He made them start a project that would take a month to finish, which meant Blaire would have to meet James Potter after class.

Blaire wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone, especially someone as close to Sirius as James, but again, he didn't take the hint.

"So, I was thinking about doing the project on Liquid Luck," James said, taking his potions book out. "maybe we could even try to make some."

"Whatever," Blaire said, watching Regulus and Sirius argue.

"Fucking hell Sirius, not everything has to be decided by you," Regulus said.

"We're not doing Draught of Living Death," Sirius said. "I'm not letting any Slytherin have that in their possession."

Regulus barked out a laugh. "Really? You don't want to make it because you think I'd poison someone? If I wanted to kill someone, I wouldn't do it by slipping Draught of Living Death into their tea."

"Perhaps not you, but let's see, hm, who told their sister that she would be happy if she died..." Sirius said, glaring at Blaire. "oh, that's right, your best friend, Blaire. And yeah, I don't want my girlfriend to be poisoned by her psycho sister."

Regulus pushed Sirius, making him bump into the table. "Don't fucking call her that."

"Get your boyfriend, Smith." Beatrice said, turning to face her.

"Your freak boyfriend started it." Ruth shot back.

"Now, now, boys," Professor Slughorn said.

"Or what, Regulus, gonna get your little death eater friends on me?" Sirius said, pushing him back.

Regulus threw the first punch, hitting him right in the jaw. It became a full-on fight, everyone — even Slughorn — too shocked to act.

"Beat his arse!" Ruth whooped, earning a glare from Beatrice.

"Tell him to stop, Ruth," Beatrice said.

"Your idiot boyfriend is the one talking about your sister," Ruth said. "you should be the one fighting him, not Regulus. Shows that hanging out with Gryffindors doesn't make you any less of a scared little loser you always were."

"What did you just call me?" Beatrice said.

"A scared little loser." Blaire saw that a fight was about to break out between them and walked over to them, pulling Ruth away.

"Alright, alright," Slughorn shouted. "Enough!" He pulled Sirius and Regulus apart. "Fifty points from Slytherin and Gryffindor and detention for two weeks for both of you!"

"I have quidditch this Saturday!" Sirius said. "I need to be at practice with the team!"

"Not my problem, Mr. Black," Professor Slughorn said. "Now, everyone, focus on your work!"

The rest of the class went on in even more tense silence. Even James wasn't saying anything. When the class ended, James passed Blaire a note before walking out with the rest of the class.

Sirius shouldn't have said that about you. I don't think you really want Beatrice to... you know. If she can change from what your parents taught you guys, I think you can. Even if Sirius or Beatrice are upset with you, I know at least I will always welcome you to the Gryffindor tower.

**going a bit quick, I know, but it's just to get the story going YK

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2022 ⏰

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