What happened to you?

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Yamaguchi's POV
I'm in high school now, I wish Tsukki was here with me but I haven't heard from him since the accident... I know everyone's telling me to let him go but I can't, he is- was my best friend, my only friend, I often wonder what happened to him over these past few years, he's probably doing a lot better since the accident, I hope he's ok and not permanently hurt, if he was I'd never forgive myself. But I'm on the volleyball team! Just like Tsukki would've been, I wonder- is it still ok for me to call him Tsukki? Whatever probably not but oh well, I'm the pinch server on our team.. I hope of Tsukki sees me he'll be proud of me...

Tsukishima's POV
It's been about two almost three years since the accident, I'm still angry at my family for moving me away from Tadashi- I mean Yamaguchi, I sometimes wonder if he blames himself for me getting high by the car.. I hope he doesn't cause it's not his fault, it's entirely mine I'm the one who pushed him out of the way, he'd probably do the same if the roles were reversed. Ever since the accident I've been in a wheelchair cause my legs got crushed so badly that they weren't repaireable, which means no more volleyball which made me so angry that it makes me wanna punch a wall, I hope Yamaguchi still plays Volleyball, he can play for the both of us if he does play of course, right now I'm at the airport waiting for my flight, I recently convinced my parents to let me get a small affordable apartment out in my home town, of course they insisted on paying for all of it, I'll be going to Kurasuno High School, the school me and Yamaguchi always wanted to go to as kids, I wonder if he ended up going there.

Hey y'all! Hope you enjoyed this second chapter with a plot twist! There will be more where that came from I promise you that!

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