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    Su Tang kept under her feet, trotting to the side of the group of people around. At this time, someone recognized Jiang Chi.

    Because Jiang Chi turned his back to the crowd at the beginning, he wore a mask, and most of the people's minds were on the lifelike snowman in front of them, so their eyes on the snowman would inevitably be less. Some.

    But since Su Tang arrived, the surrounding students took a look at her outfit, and then carefully observed the snowman not far away, and then suddenly realized that this snowman was piled up just like Su Tang!

    After that, the surrounding students unanimously focused on the figure in front of the snowman.

    With their own guesses, coupled with the figure of this person, the identity of this person has already been revealed.

    The female classmates around couldn't help exclaiming in jealousy.

    Su Tang is really enviable, jealous and hateful!

    Su Tang was standing a few steps away from Jiang Chi, and she saw that he was concentrating on gathering white snow from the ground at the moment, and then putting it on the snowman, constantly improving it, making it more vivid and complete. His expression is too serious. The shape of this snowman seems to have been brewing in his heart thousands of times, so he doesn't need to compare the real person anymore, he can completely restore it to that person without any difference. Shape.

    Seeing Jiang Chi's hands flushed red by the ice and snow, Su Tang couldn't help shouting, "Jiang Chi!"

    Hearing Su Tang's voice, Jiang Chi's subordinates stopped, and he shot Bai Xue to the snowman in twos or twos. After he was on his body, he turned his head and looked at her.

    "It's going to be done soon, Baozi, wait for me." After Jiang Chi finally perfected the snowman's small details, the snowman was finished. The snowman is very big. Compared with Su Tang, the snowman is more rounded and looks naive.

    Jiang Chi turned to look at Su Tang, smiling like the warm winter sun, as if it could melt all the snow in an instant, "Baozi, do you like it?"

    Su Tang's eyes suddenly misted up, and she tried hard. Nodded.

    Jiang Chi's smile became more obvious, "Is it very similar to you?"

    Su Tang nodded vigorously again.

    The snow is getting bigger and bigger.

    Bit by bit accumulated on Jiang Chi's shoulder, and then melted. His clothes were all wet. There are also small drops of water on the hair.

    Su Tang walked in front of Jiang Chi, holding an umbrella in one hand, standing on tiptoe, helping him hold the umbrella. She stared at his hand that was red from the snow, "Jiang Chi, are you cold?" Before Jiang Chi could answer, Su Tang wanted to hold his hand with another free hand, but Jiang Chi moved quickly. He put his hands in his pockets, "Don't touch it, it won't be good for you to freeze."

    Su Tang was silent for two seconds, took off his scarf, and stood on tiptoe, circle after circle. Seriously wrapped around Jiang Chi's neck.

    Because the scarf is very long, and also to keep warm, part of Su Tang's scarf is wrapped around Jiang Chi's mouth. Covering his face with the scarf can block part of the cold winter wind. After Su Tang helped Jiang Chi wrap her scarf, Jiang Chi took a deep breath, squinted his eyes slightly, and said with a chuckle, "It's so fragrant."

    "Jiang Chi!" Su Tang yelled angrily. Inadvertently, Jiang Chi started to be rude again.

    Jiang Chi chuckled his lips and chuckled, the kind of ruffian, the girl's low screams suddenly sounded around him.

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