The New Girl (Harry Styles Fan Fiction)

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Chapter one- New houses and small cafes

I took a look at the new unfamiliar house in front of me that I will be spending the next few years in. It was a nice family home that fit my family perfectly. The house had 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and an office area for my dad when he is home and needs to do business with the comfort of his own home. My dad is almost never home. He travels around the world as an archaeologist. We barely ever get to see him any more, but he usually makes a lot of money to keep the family going.Usually, he makes $27.50 an hour.

"EARTH TO PEYTON!?" My brother Justin asked obviously annoyed and trying to snap me out of my daydreams.

"Hm?" I asked slowly returning to the reality that i was in every bodies way of getting through the front door to put their luggage and the house furniture inside.

"Can you step aside please? f your not going to help, than at least let us inside the house." He said. My brother was 18 years old and this was his last year in high school before he heads off to his dream university. That's part of the reason we even moved here. We moved to London because my mom thought it would be nice to restart our lives in a new place. I never even wanted to move here because I was actually perfectly happy with living in California for the rest of my life. I guess not.

I took a step to my left and they all breathed out an over exaggerated sigh of relief. I rolled my eyes at their silliness and grabbed my suitcases and brought them inside the house. I walked up the stairs and brought them in my new room. Taking a seat on the end of my comfy bed, I looked out the window and noticed a boy across the street who was taking the trash out and jamming to music on his phone with his earphones. His cute brown curls bouncing each time he nodded his head to the beat.

"Peyton?" My brother asked from the doorway.

"How long have you been standing there?" I asked 

"Long enough that you've take quite an interest in our neighbor." He replied. Well that's just great. Now my brother knows about this too.

"No I haven't!" I replied embarrassed at this awkward conversation.

"You don't have to lie Peyton," He said smirking. "He goes to our school"

"Cool...?" I replied even though I was bursting in the inside.

"What are you still doing here?" I asked curiously to why he was still just standing in my room.

"Oh yeah! Mom told me that her and dad are going over to an old friends house and they will be back late tonight." He said

I quickly looked over to my clock and realised that the time went from 5 pm to 7 pm very quickly.

"Justin, I'm going to go look around the city." I said while throwing on a baggy sweatshirt and converse.

"Okay. Just bring your phone with you and don't go to far! Be home by 9 or i'm looking for you." he said. He was always super protective over me. Sometimes a little more than my mom or dad.

"Promise. I'll text you if I need anything."I said while grabbing my purse and running downstairs to open the front door.

"Love you!" I called out before I shut the door behind me. I think I heard him say "I love you too."


After walking for about 20 minutes, I found a little cafe that was dimly lit inside. I opened the door and stepped into to the warm air that smelled like cinnamon and coffee. Walking up to the cashier, I ordered a caramel mocha with extra whip cream. I took a seat at an unoccupied table and decided to text my brother to let him know where I was. It was 7:46 p.m. 

"ORDER NUMBER 472, CARAMEL MOCHA WITH EXTRA WHIP IS READY! ORDER READY!" The cashier said. I jumped out of my seat and walked over to her handing her 4 euros. Justin had taught me how to use euros last week since i'm used to using dollars. She handed over the coffee and I took and and was about to walk back to my seat when I bumped into something. But this wasn't just something. It was a person. And I just wasted my coffee all over the persons clothes.

"Omigosh! I'm such a klutz! Are you okay?? I'll get you some napkins! Stay here!! I'll be right back!" I said while managing to run to the counter pick up some napkins. But as always, I failed. I ended up slipping and falling back on him! He tried to catch me but ended up slipping too and we both fell to the floor with a loud thump. 

*note to self: never get extra whip cream AGAIN!

I nearly chocked on my own spit when I saw who it was that I was having this whole scene with. It was the curly haired boy who lives across the street from me! How embarrassing. And the really bad part is that he goes to the school that I am attending! He might tell everybody! And then i'll be the biggest loser in school... again. I expected him to be really mad at me right now but when I looked back at him, I noticed he was laughing!

"Why are you laughing? I just made a mess of your clothes and a mess all over the floor!" I asked

"That was hilarious!" He said still laughing

I felt the heat rising up to my cheeks making them a dark crimson color. He noticed my embarrassment and decided to change the subject to make me feel better.

"What's your name, love? I've never seen you around here." He asked

"My name is Peyton Serenity Blake." I replied, "I just moved here today."

"Ooooh! What school are you going to attend?" He asked. While having this mini awkward conversation with a stranger, I decided to clean up.

"Uhm... Abby Jonell High School" I replied sheepishly

"Me too! I'll show you around tomorrow!" He told me with a slight smile.

"I think I'm your neighbor... I was in my room when I saw you take out the trash..." I said not wanting this to get weird.

"Cool!" He said happily "Maybe we should hang out sometime, Peyton. By the way, my name is Harold Edward Styles but people call me Harry"

"Nice name Harry" I said smiling now

"Not as beautiful as Peyton" He said sheepishly this time

I looked at the clock and it read 8:52. I'm going to be late!

"Sorry, but I really need to leave NOW." I said quickly. Before I left, I grabbed a sharpie and piece of paper left behind on a table and wrote down my number and handed it to him.

"Hey, I just met you... And this is crazy! But heres my number... So call me maybe?" I said mimicking   the song. He laughed at my sudden gesture but happily took the paper and we bid our goodbyes.


I got home at about 9:13 p.m. but of course Justin didn't notice because he's usually sleeping because he said he needs to rest up for tomorrow. That's just his lame excuse for going to sleep on a bedtime.

I quietly tiptoed upstairs and into my room. Closing the doors, windows, and blinds, I then started getting dressed into my pajamas and hopped in my soft bed that I missed so dearly. Before I turned off the light, my phone beeped indicating that I got a new message. I picked up my phone and unlocked it to read the text...


message: Hey Peyton! This is Harry :) You might be going asleep now so I wanted to say goodnight, love <3 have the sweetest dreams possible! I'll see you tomorrow :D

I laughed at how silly the text was and changed the contact from "unknown number" to "Harry <3"    

I put my phone down on my bedside table and fell asleep replaying all the events from today. This was one of the few days were I fell asleep with a smile on my face.


all feedback is accepted :) thanks for reading!! love you <3                                 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2013 ⏰

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