New Student

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Today was October 4, 2021. It was your first day of college and you were gonna make a new start in your now adult world.

7:50 am the alarm rang in your ear as you groaned and slammed your hand on the alarm shutting it off. You then rub your tired eyes awake and begin getting ready for a new day starting college, you walked to the bathroom grabbing your clothes you had already pulled out the night before. You had put everything on the bathroom counter and looked yourself in the mirror saying to yourself " for fuck say why this early oh well its a new day so its a new start" you got undressed and turned on the hot shower and began taking a shower. After your hour long shower you got out, got dressed in a f/c dress shirt and black dress pants. ( I don't know first day impression I guess)
You then brushed your h/l h/c hair and then brushed your teeth.  It is now 9:23 and your now rushing to get shoes and socks on because you can't miss the bus since your parents didn't bother buying you a car. As soon as you finished you ran outside right just as the college bus pulled up.

When you arrived there was a military line starting from the school all the way to the gates. As you the last person to get off the bus the military people sounded off "WELCOME TO C/N ( college name) WE ARE THE MANY BRANCH OUR BRANCHES ARE NAVY...ARMY...MARINES...AND AIR FORCE. WE ARE HERE TO HELP. "! After they saluted a tall man appeared and also sounded off "I AM MASTER SARGENT  FLORES PLEASE FIND YOU FELLOW SOLDIER OR MARINE WITH YOUR NAME ON A PAPER ON THEIR CHEST!" With that all the students went and found their soldier and marine. As you walked you found your marine his name was tsuki light when you stood in front of him he saluted and started to tell you that he was your guide and protector for 1 year.

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