PROLOGUE part two

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At that time, it was the year of Qi Emperor of the Eastern Dynasty.

It had been more than 300 years since the founding of the Qi Eastern Dynasty. The first emperor was talented and general, conquering the east and west with martial arts, defeated the enemy, helped the people, and was able to establish a vast eastern empire.

After the establishment of the empire, the first emperor judged based on merits and rewards, and named the seven most prominent tribes as kings. The territories were divided into the seven kingdoms of Huang, Ning, Feng(1), Bai, Hua, Feng(2), and Nan. The black iron from the bottom of the North Sea is used to cast the eight mysterious seals. The largest one is the Xuan zun seal, which is owned by the emperor. The remaining seven seals were mysterious and black. The emperor and the seven kings took a blood oath: Xuan zun seal was the most important, followed by the other seven.

Following the first emperor, Cheng emperor, Guan emperor, and Yan emperor were all good emperors. They recruited based on talents, understood the people's sentiments, lightly reduced taxes, and had a clear political outlook. The princes and states were safe and loyal to the emperor's room. And the country was prosperous.

It was passed down to the next generations of emperors, Yi emperor, Qi emperor, and Zhao emperor, but none of them were capable. They were greedy for peace and enjoyment, but neglected the political affairs of the nation, and treacherous ministers controlled the government. As such, the once powerful eastern empire was defeated.

When Emperor Li ruled the empire, he was more obsessed over woman than ruling the nation. Every time he went out, he repaired the Hua Palace, which was a waste of money. In addition, he waged two wars on Mengcheng, but they resulted in big defeats, which caused many citizens to lose their lives, and complaints arose. Over time, the princes grew distant. First, King Ning from ning launched a coup to kill the emperor, wanting to replace him, but Emperor Li wine-corrupted body's collapsed first in the luxurious Chilong Palace due to panic.

Prince Jing came to the throne, and the new emperor Jing issued the Xuanzun seal, ordering the princes of the six countries to fight the king of Qin, and finally gather the army of the six countries to repel the Ning army. King Ning was defeated and died, and his fief was annexed by the neighboring three kingdoms of Feng(1), Huang, and Feng(2).

After the suppression of the Ning State rebellion, the princes gained power. Although Emperor Jing had great ambitions, the Eastern Dynasty was already a remnant of all diseases, and after the rebellion of King Ning, he became sick and died in less than three years. Without an heir, the emperor's brother Li Wang succeeded to the throne as Emperor Li.

Li Di was cruel, he didn't like gold and silver, preferring to hunt humans. He enjoyed dispersing civilians on the hunting ground, leading a group of officials and soldiers to hunt them and having a competition on who can kill the most people! After a hunt, there was drinking and celebration, which made the hunt a joyous occasion.

The people were angry for a while, and there were rebellions everywhere. The Eastern dynasty had wasted two conquests on Mengcheng, and then had to quell the rebellion of King Ning. The main army of the emperor was exhausted. Emperor Li had to invite the princes to send troops to suppress the revolting army. Each princes own territory and wealth expanded, resulting in frequent attacks. As such, the emperor was no longer able to restrain the princes' power.

In the eleventh year of Emperor Li's reign, he was besieged by mobs while hunting in Qiuji. The emperor was chopped into pieces, which was called "Qiuji Hunting" in history.

After the chaos, Prince Qi ascended the throne, but found that Xuanzun seal was missing, so no one respected him, and he was in vain. The powerful eastern empire was torn apart, and the six countries entered a turbulent world.

The eastern dynasty had a vast territory. In the middle was Shizhou of Qiyun with the imperial capital as the center. That was the imperial domain under the direct control of the emperor; in the north was Bai Kingdom with 1000 mile of land and 10 cities; in the west was Feng(1) Country with 3000 miles of land. In the south, there were 36 cities; the southwest called Feng(2), with 2,200 miles of land and 20 cities; the south is Huang country, with 3000 miles of land, and 34 cities; between the country of Feng(2) and Huang, there was the country of Hua, consisting of 2000 miles and 20 cities; east of the imperial domain was Nan country, with a land of 1200 miles of land and 10 cities. Among the six countries, Huang and Feng(1) owned the largest territory and the strongest of the seven,while the richest being Hua country, Feng country being average, while Bai country and Nan country are weaker.

After the Xuan Zun seal disappeared, the world's heroes all wanted to take it, and take command of the world.

i just realised that there is a high chance people are lost. So there are six so-called empires. They are Huang, feng1, feng2, nan, bai and Hua. (2 separate feng's)

also the two people stated in part one are not the main characters Bai feng xi and hei Feng xi.

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