two seconds later, dream was there, a sly smile on his face. "i don't see a problem," he said, feigning ignorance.
"where is my door?" i asked quieter.
he took half a step back and said, "ask nick."
nick appeared at the top of the steps a second later and moved to stand beside dream. he glanced over my shoulder to where my door was no longer attached to the hinges and said, "i don't see any problem here."
"why is my door not here?" i practically spit. if this was the beginning of another prank war, they had no idea how far i would take it to make them absolutely miserable.
"if you do naughty things, you lose your door privileges," nick said, crossing his arms to try and be intimidating.
"naughty things? we were kissing, nick. i wasn't having sex with him. and even if i was, it's none of your business! you're not my parent," i told him.
from behind nick, karl ran up the stairs and stopped as he saw the three of us glaring at one another.
"woah, what's happening here?" he asked, looking wide eyed between us.
"they took my door!" i practically yelled.
"what? why?" karl asked, turning to nick and dream for an explanation.
"i walked in on thalia and julian making out on her bed, so i told dream about it and we came to the conclusion that thalia should have her door taken away so we can make sure she doesn't do something stupid in there," nick explained, keeping a straight face.
"this is ridiculous," i said.
"i agree," karl added. "you guys can't take her door away from her. that's a jerk move."
"this is why i like karl more than you guys," i told them.
"fine, you can have your door back," dream said, "if you can find it and put it back on."
"you are so going to regret messing with me," i threatened before taking off downstairs to find my door. dream was predictable and hid everything in the same place: the garage. that's the first place i went and i found it almost immediately. the idiot didn't even try to hide it.
i hauled it back upstairs by myself and grabbed my tool bag from under my desk. little did they know, i used to help my grandfather in his shop and he taught me how to build and replace doors.
i had the door back on in a few minutes and was triumphantly slamming it closed on the astonished faces of dream and nick. once i had the door locked, i fell onto my bed and called peyton.
she answered after the first ring. "hey, thalia! what's up?"
"two things. one, we're going to play paintball tomorrow night and you're coming, and two, i need your help," i said.
"with what?" she questioned.
i explained what i wanted to do and peyton said, "i'm in.""perfect," i said with a grin. nick and
dream were about to get hit hard.

𝑻𝐇𝐄 𝑵𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒━━ 𝘴𝘢𝘱𝘯𝘢𝘱
Fanfiction𝘪𝘯 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘩 thalia and nick realize they're living some of the best days of their life sapnap x female oc lowercase intended #1 sampam- 8/22/21 #6 twitchstreamers - 8/22/21 #12 snapmap -8/18/21 #1 sappynappy - 9/4/21 don't hate me for the seawo...