chapter 1

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Falling. He was falling. It had felt like he was going for hours and hours. His skin had felt like it wasn't there, and all was left was bone. THUD! He hit his head, the flowers below him being soft enough to keep him conscious. His name is Ezra.

He lightly lifted his head, eyes fluttering open. "W-Where- am I?" Ezra asked himself, trying to sit up, wincing at the stabbing pain in his leg. He looked down, his leg covered in blood. He stood up, almost tripping over nothing. What? All Ezra could see was pitch black, except for a doorway in the distance.

He stumbled to it, each step making his leg feel worse. "Dammit." He exhaled sharply. When he reached the doorway, a light then shines on a flower in the center of the room ahead. "The hell?" He asks himself, fumbling over to the flower.
     The flower had a face, it shown pure fear. "Run. Run as fast as you can, THEY ARE GOING TO KILL YOU." The flower screamed, then disappeared into the ground. Ezra's eyes widened, not knowing what the flower was talking about. He slowly walked towards another doorway, quickly turning into a sprint. He then tripped over his untied shoelace, falling on his head.

     He lay there, seeing purple walls with vines growing out of them. He felt tears come out of his eyes. Please get me out of here. He thought, sitting up off the floor. Ezra could see particles of dust fly around the air, the room having almost a grey tint to it. He stood up, his leg feeling like it would fall off at any moment now.
He walked through The Ruins, the area around him, a large amount of dread filled the thick air. After a few minutes, which felt like hours, he reached what seemed to be a house. He felt the air becoming thinner as he walked closer to the door, scared of what he could find inside.
The flower's words echoed in his brain, "Run. Run as fast as you can, THEY ARE GOING TO KILL YOU." He wondering deeply what that could mean. He walked inside, the smell of cinnamon and butterscotch entered his nose. It comforted him for a second, then the feeling disappeared. He wanted to get out of there, and the only thing he could think of was the stairs in front of him. He walked down them, the time going by so slow.

     He walked down a very long hallway, finally seeing a door. He reached the doorway, a pile of dust sat in front of it. Suddenly, the flower appeared in front of Ezra. He looked scared for his life. Ezra thought this was a dream, he begged for it to be a dream.
"Please. Take me with you. They're going to kill me. Help me please. " The flower looked helpless, Ezra didn't know what to do, he did want to help, but he didn't know how. He looked around, somehow there was a flower pot next to the door. He smiled and dug the flower out of the ground with his bare hands, the dirt more hard than he thought.

      "There. " Ezra said, placing the flower in the pot. "Flowey. " The flower said. "Ezra." It was like Ezra knew that was his name. He picked Flowey up, carrying him in his arms. With the other arm, Ezra pushed the door open a tiny bit. The door then opened at the slightest touch, the cold air then entering the hallway. With Flowey on Ezra's shoulder, they approached the snowy terrain, the door shutting immediately.  They walked through a forest, the trees seeming to be never ending.               

Ezra thought to try and speak to Flowey, wanting to understand what was happening down here. "What happened, why are you so afraid?" Flowey exhaled sharply, "A human. They're going to kill us. They already killed Toriel. " He paused. "They are going to turn every single one of us to dust. " HIs voice trembled. Ezra kept walking, knowing he could get killed at any moment. "They are going to destroy everything, I have a feeling." Flowey, spoke.                        Ezra then reached a bridge, walked over it, the snow crunching under his shoes. He kept walking, and walking, noticing the feel of death and despair everywhere around him. The two then heard a nearby scream, Ezra, who was curious, started to sprint over to the noise. He held onto Flowey, the wailing getting closer and closer.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Then out of the fog, Ezra saw a guy kneel down over something, holding a torn red scarf in his hands. "Sir?" Ezra spoke, slowly walking towards the guy. "You're dead, kid."The guy then said, standing up. Ezra was confused and stepped back, scared what would happen next. The guy turned around, the scarf now wrapped about his neck. The man turned around, facing the ground.

"What happened, sir? Sir are you okay?" Ezra spoke louder to where the guy could hear him, he didn't know what would happen to him, a feeling of anxiety washed over him. The man looked up, tiny tears in the corner of his....eye sockets? Ezra thought he looked like a skeleton, him becoming more scared for his life. "Another human? Are you kidding me right now?" The skeleton exclaimed. "Really, kid? You could've fell down here later." The skeleton almost has a New York accent, his face showed a massive amount of frustration.                                     
"Ok, kid. You are freakin' me out right now." He said, walking towards Ezra. "You speak or something?" His prinpricks were like daggers in Ezra's green eyes. "My name is Ezra, I don't know how I got here, all I know is that people are dying." The skeleton chuckled. "Well, yeah. And they just killed my brother, so you're gonna have to come with me." He says, patting Ezra on the back, signaling to follow him. "The name's Sans. Sans the Skeleton."                                               
Ezra didn't know what to say at that point, he just let the skeleton go ahead. "I've seen this before. I felt this was going to happen sooner or later. " Sans spoke, hands in his pockets. The group walked until they reached a grill place, the neon sign above saying "Grillby's".

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2021 ⏰

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