Character introduction

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Souhei Yoon

Sex: Female
Age: 16
Rank: Unknown
Hierarchy: Beta
Height: 5'5
A human that has yet to discover whether she'll hunt or be hunted.
She's a thinly built human being with short raven black hair that go down to her chin with heterochromia, one of her eyes is yellowish lime and the other a deep red. 

Shuu Addams

Sex: Male
Age: 17
Rank: Predator (Wolverine)
Hierarchy: Beta
Height: 5'9
A male who takes the role of the school's asshole and playboy, a hunter with wolverine traits, a handsome young man with brown hair and pale blue eyes. His long tail is swiftly moving around behind his legs and back with his ears flickering from time to time, one of the traits he achieved are sharp fangs.

"I'd do everything to make you mine, even if it means tearing everyone in this school apart."

Aiden Myers

Sex: Male
Age: 15
Rank: Predator (Owl)
Hierarchy: Beta
Height: 5'5
A boy who possesses wings of an owl slightly swinging on his back. He has pale skin and overall skinny body with slight fight marks spread along his stomach and neck. His lightly blushed face is framed with a ton of short bright blonde hair. His eyes are the color of glowing yellow. One of the traits he's blessed with are talons on his hands. 

"Everything I do, I do for you."

Michael Evans

Sex: Male
Age: 17
Rank: Predator (Horned desert viper)
Hierarchy: Beta
Height: 6'0
A male with senses and traits stronger than most highschoolers within the school. He has a long snake like tail and two horns. His hair is dark red, pale skin and deep crimson red eyes. His "favorite/main/special" trait is hypnotizing eyes in which you feel lost and without water, in other words, his intense stare can make you thirsty.

"I have all you need! C'mon.. just.. look into my eyes."

Ayame Kuroha

Sex: Male
Age: 15
Rank: Prey (Rat)
Hierarchy: Beta
Height: 5'7
A young male with pale skin, white hair and red eyes. His long tail is following him around most of the time numbly swinging from side to side. One of his animal traits is a good sense of smell with which he can smell the scent of whoever is about to walk into the room.

Ami Peterson

Sex: Female
Age: 18
Rank: Predator (Grey African parrot)
Hierarchy: Beta
Height: 5'8
A girl taking on the family's tradition of becoming a bird, birthed by her parents with grey African parrot traits she has long deep black hair with red stripes after her mother and green eyes after her father, her big wings hang behind her back. Ami is an online best friend of Souhei.

"I'll never let them hurt you."

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