🥀Chapter Three🥀

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I was awoken by a knock on the door. I groaned lowly before running a hand through my hair and opening it. I was greeted by no other than Mr. Pierce who had a smile on his face.

"Good morning, seems like you slept well. Julia is waiting for you downstairs"

"Ok Mr -

"My name is Devin", he said before walking away. I close the door and went to the bathroom.

After brushing my teeth and setting my hair I left the room and made my way downstairs. I saw Julia looking exceptionally beautiful. I don't usually compliment people so if I do then that must be saying something.

They were laughing about something that seemed really funny and when they noticed my presence, Devin crossed his legs and half smiled at me while Julia turned and looked at me.

"Hello - I didn't quite get your name the last time"

"Its vanessa"

"Ok vanessa, how do you like the place so far?", she asked but I only shrugged.

"I'm not planning to stay here for too long. As soon as I get a job I will leave"

She seemed taken aback by what I said but she couldn't be expecting that I wanna stay here forever. No way. I have a life to live and plus I want to leave New York.

"Have you started looking for a job as yet?", she asked raising an eye at me.

"I haven't. I'm planning on doing so today", I replied before sitting on a small chair between the both of them. Devin was really quiet just listening to our conversation and smiling to himself.

"Ok, then I guess I shouldn't keep you then. The earlier you start the better right - because you wanna leave this place as soon as you can", she said taking a sip of her orange juice before putting it down and turning to Devin.

I got up before I could hear their conversation and went back to my room. I really needed to find a job today and a good one at that. I checked my phone but it was dead. I didn't even bother to charge it because no one ever calls or messages me.

I went to the bathroom and when I came out with a towel around my body, I didn't expect to see Devin sitting in the chair in the corner. His eyes met mine and he got up and walked up to me. I didn't feel bothered by his presence or him seeing me like this. If you had my past you wouldn't either.

"Julia said you should get this", he said before handing me an envelope. I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows before taking it and examining it. Before I could ask what it was he turned and left the room.

I sat on the bed and basically ripped it open. I just can't open things the right way at times. Money bills came crashing into my lap. I counted them and it was five hundred dollars. I couldn't believe it. Why would she offer me so much money...was there a catch to it?. Hopefully not because I didn't ask her for it. Although I was so grateful.

This could do a lot of things and I was good at budgeting so it will last long. I fold the notes and placed them in my small bag before getting dressed. I wore Jeans and a white blouse and a knee length jacket that Omar got me on my twenty - third birthday.

After leaving the room I went downstairs but I didn't see Devin anywhere. The sound of a car honking got my attention and I went outside to see him in a car. He opened the door and gestured for me to get in.

" I was going to take a cab", I say once I entered and shut the door.

"Its fine, I have to go buy something anyways", he replied before driving off.

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