Chapter 1: Wednesday

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  "Your time is up Cheryl you need to pay your dues," I whispered. Her face went slightly pale. "I know, I just can't yet. Give me another week." was her response as she spun on her heel to face me. The stench of cheap perfume and floral deodorant heavy.

"Cheryl, you made me a promise. I've extended your due date twice now, my generosity won't hold out much longer. You will get the money to me by tomorrow at lunch, and on top of that I want the Posions disbanded sooner. This week." Cheryl was playing me and I wouldn't let her do it much longer. She let out a shaky sigh.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry, but if-" I cut her off quickly but casually "The money is due at the end of the day and your gang will be gone by Friday. Keep trying to negotiate with me and it your time limit will get shorter." She met my response with a half hearted noise, slammed her gym locker shut and walked out the door. Holding herself as if she was unbothered but I knew better. If Miss Cheryl Blossom, Riverdale's princess wanted her secrets kept then the posions would be disbanded by Friday and my pockets would be full at the end of tomorrow. Although, that was something I didn't need to worry about. There was something else that was higher on the list of concerns. It was a strong possibility that Kurtz had burned down our HQ in the 7 hours I had left him alone.

As I turned on the engine on my BMW 2002, my phone let out a small ding. That should be Kurtz texting to update the status on our current members. Now that my new gang was officially up and running I needed constant updates to ensure that our members weren't being harassed and that our HQ was intact. There is always a chance another gang will show up during our beginnings to mess with us before we can develop enough to be a real threat.

Our building is still intact. For now, at least until Kurtz loses it and ends up setting the place ablaze. I pull up right in front of our own personal hotel. Demeure Du Diable. The devil dwelling. I toss my keys to the guy sitting out front. "Take care of her, if I find out your driving her without permission again I will personally skin you Roi," He catches the keys effortlessly and nods in acknowledgement. Roi's good with cars, after all, he was a ghoulie. The front lobby is still in a form of disrepair, with boxes of somewhat questionable items. I stop at the front desk and holler into the back. "TOPAZ!" she rushes to the desk. The pink highlights glimmering in the reddish lights that hang from the ceiling.

"Kurtz is here correct," Toni nods "In good health I assume, nobody showed up to maim any of you?" I finish, she nods again.

" Now before you have the chance to start berating me on your girlfriends behalf, I will repeat what I told her. The Posions will be disbanded by Friday, if Cheryl tries to negotiate with me the deadline will come sooner. You can have one chance, tomorrow morning. This is because I respect you more. You can tell her I said that." While I wait for Toni to assemble a few questions I remind myself why this has to happen. I'm awfully fond of both Topaz and Blossom, but you cannot have a gang inside of a gang. If they want to hotel rooms and the community, then they will rid me of theirs.

"Cheryl owes you money. What's the date for that, and what time will I be able to discuss the Posions deadline with you?

"Cheryl's money is owed by tomorrow, that is non negotiable. Unless of course the Posions are disbanded tomorrow. Under those circumstances, I'd have to forgive Cheryl's debts. Nine thirty. You may come to my room, if I am not present, you may come to Kurtz room instead. I cant pretend he'll be friendly." I reply, almost full out smiling at this point. Topaz has always been able to stay mostly level-headed. Although you could cut this tension with a knife. She nods and I walk away, to the elevator. I need to make sure Kurtz hasn't set up a drug lab in his free time. \

Floor 5, the absolute top. Occupied by two luxury suites. Mine and Kurtz, after all he is my right-hand and does control the gargoyle side of things. I keep him in line and he babysits the psychotic stone game addicts. According to Kurtz, all the gargoyles are currently clean and taking full advantage of the board game room. Apparently, monopoly does a great job at replacing Gryphons and Gargoyles. The elevator dings and the doors open.

I'm honestly not surprised to see Kurtz sitting in an armchair upside down reading fantasy books and playing with a lighter.

"Kurtz, I see you've managed to keep the place in one piece. How are our room renovations coming along. Also, put the lighter down before you set our new place on fire. Pretty please." He flicks it shut, and grins.

"They're going. Those French signs you wanted all over the hotel are taking forever. The devils are getting restless. You know what they've begun to call you right? Elle Diable. It's fitting. Don't you think?" Kurtz says, I would say there was a manic look in his eyes if they weren't shielded by his curly black hair. It's clean and well taken care of, that is the only thing that stayed clean. He's changed back into the ratty old black outfit and jacket he sported before.

"Elle Diable huh? Very funny Kurtz. I knew the signs would take a while, the devils can wait. We have business to attend to. Have you sorted it out?" I speak, completely serious. He laughs and nods. Kurtz gets up, taking his lighter, but leaving the mess of books behind. Kurtz opens the door on the right side of the hallway and steps inside, leaving it open. I follow closely behind, shutting it behind me. His room is almost identical to mine, but in black. To of course fit his dark attention seeking energy. A four poster bed right in the center of the room, shoved up against the back wall. All windows covered by black out curtains. A large desk, covered in board games and notebooks. A bookshelf filled up haphazardly with horror, fantasy and sci-fi books. Right in the absolute center of the room, in front of the bed is two sofas and multiple armchairs. All outfitted in numerous blankets and cushions. A terrible idea for the local arsonist, but a very comfortable spot none the less. The star of the show, a giant TV directly in front of the sitting area and bed. Complete with a mini kitchen right underneath. The table in the middle of the sitting area is fully equipped with popcorn and sour candy.

"What do you have queued up?" I ask, taking my usual spot on the left side of the couch snatching up the bowl of popcorn.

"Only your favorite Elle Diable, IT. The first one and that's my popcorn." He informs me while taking the bowl from me and settling in beside me. A nighttime ritual, horror movies and food. As I settled into Kurtz arms and drifted into sleep, the back of my mind was telling me something was off. Or that I had forgotten something.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2021 ⏰

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