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Y/n - 16

Wilbur - 16

Techno - 15

Tommy - 13

Description: Just a rainy day with the Sbi Siblings + Movie night!

Requested by Ren_eats_potatoes! Thank you for the fun request!




DRIP DROP, DRIP DROP. I SIGHED as I listened to the repetitive rhythm of raindrops hitting the window. Stretching from my spot on my bed, I sat up slowly, laying the book down in a tent position. Getting up, I peered through my curtains, glancing up at the cloudy sky. It had been a grey rainy day, the rain lazily falling since early morning. Phil had gone out for work, saying he wouldn't be home till late midnight. That meant me and Wilbur were in charge. Loud footsteps stomped down the hallway before my door burst open.

"Y/n!" Tommy's voice startled me, making me jump in surprise, before turning to the blonde.

"Don't scare me like that." I scolded lightly, nodding to indicate he could continue talking.

"Wilbur said we should go out in the rain!" Tommy said excitedly, his tone rising, an old habit that would happen when he's hyped.

I raised an eyebrow, tilting my head. "You sure Wil said that?"

Wilbur's voice was heard drifting down from the hallway, the brunette walking closer. "Yeap." He said, poking his head into my room. "I mean, Phil's not home to say no!"

Tommy nodded frantically, hopping from one foot to the other in his excited behavior. "Pleaseee Y/n?"

I grinned at Tommy's childish antics, exchanging a glance with Wilbur, who shrugged. Sighing, I agreed. "Oh, alright. But don't forget your—" I began to say as Tommy raced out the door. "—raincoat. That kid acts like he's always on a sugar rush.. Wil?"

Wilbur put up his hands in defense, shaking his head. "I didn't do anything! I'll just- go get Techno-"

I chuckled, walking out of my room. "Good luck with that." Walking down the stairs, I quickly rushed over to the back door. Finding the door slid wide open, I chuckled once more. I ducked out, stretching a hand out, feeling the cold rain hit my fingers. Hearing a few splashes, I looked over to see a particular blonde jumping about in the shallow puddles, his honey blonde hair already soaked. He looked up, noticing me, and waved with a bright grin across his face. "The rain's great!" He shouted over, hopping to another puddle.

I laughed, before stepping out completely. The rain pelting down on my h/c hair, I took another step closer before hearing a few voices from inside the house, one sounding particularly annoyed.

"—don't see the point of this." That was Techno. I looked behind me to see Wilbur leading a grumpy Techno outside. The brunette looked back at me, giving me a wink and thumbs up. "Told ya I could do it!"

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