Skye's surpise

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( skye's p o v)

It's been a few weeks since chase was chosen on his mission , everyday  I felt like I should have been with him when he left.  If there's one thing I love about chase it's that good heart he has , I just wish he could have returned  so he could make me feel better. I started to think back to all the memories I had with chase I couldn't help but smile as  I remembered how chase would be willing to do anything for me and to protect me  when suddenly I heard the door of my pup house being knocked on .

( skye ) w who is it ?

( Marshall's p o v )

( Marshall) I thought that since skye was missing chase so much I thought I could cheer her up somehow so I went to her pup house and knocked on her door .

( skye) w who is it

( Marshall) hey skye it's just me

( skye) ohh hey Marshall * says sadly*

( Marshall)  still worried about chase huh ?

( skye)  yep 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

( Marshall) well I know what'll cheer you up

( skye) w what is it ? 

( Marshall) didn't you hear  chase wrote a letter to you  * holds up a letter for skye that chase wrote * he also said something about a surprise guest coming to adventure bay to see you

( skye) r really I wonder who it could be ?  * grabs the letter and reads it *

( letter) dear my mighty pink angel princess,  I know it's taking a bit longer then expected for my return but I want you to know that I've been thinking about you every day  , our love for each other will keep us strong  and that I'm finally coming home yours truly your mighty king chase oh and about that surprise guest well let's just say you won't believe who it is  .

( skye)  * gasp in excitement * YES finally chase is finally returning  oh I can't wait to see him😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

( Marshall) sounds to me like someone's excited to see her hero😏

( skye)  *giggles* I can't help it I really missed him

( later that evening just as the sun was setting )

( Ryder) ok pups time to get some sleep

( pups) awwwww

( skye) oh but Ryder can't we please stay up a little while longer?

( Marshall) yeah we're actually waiting for someone 

( Ryder) really who ?

*Suddenly they hear  the engine  of a  hot rod vehicle   Approaching as the headlights shine on the lookout as   A mysterious secret with spiked hair and secret spy glasses over his eyes does a black flip  in slow motion  out of their hot rod making skye notice and blushes  while he  lands  perfectly on   His  feet *

( ladybug ) * whispers while hiding so no one can see me* tikki trix unify * unifies the two miraculous becoming lady fox

( ladyfox) * starts  playing the flute calling my power* mirage * makes 3 more images of the mysterious secret spy and hands each  one a different miraculous *

( mysterious secret spy 2) wayyz shell on

 Chase's return Where stories live. Discover now