Chase's inner strenghth

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( note all the pups are humanized)

( chase's p o v)
my god I can't believe I almost got myself akumatized  well looks like if I want to stop feeling any negative emotion I'm gonna have to train and train hard to keep my  courage, will, and strength up that's it I know what I'm going to do  tomorrow

( regular POV)

( the next. Early morning)

( chase)* wakes up at 6:00 in the morning and yawns while stretching and looks over and sees skye still asleep

( chase's thoughts) Awww she looks so beautiful when she's asleep

( chase) * gently kisses her cheek being careful not to wake her* sweet dreams skye * quietly heads to the gym*

( chase) well time for me to start my exercise routine * drops down and does 900 push ups

( chase) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

( a little while later)

( chase) 885 886 887 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 there done with push ups now for jumping jacks

( plagg) * groans* chase why are you doing exercises at 6: 46 in the morning shouldn't you be in bed ?

( chase ) you saw what happened yesterday I almost got akumatized

( plagg) keyword being almost so what you were still able to fight back with positive emotions what's the big deal?

( chase) * says while doing 500 jumping jacks* sorry plagg I can't risk it I've got to get all negative emotions out of my head to become faster and stronger * starts lifting 10000 pound weights with one hand *

( meanwhile in the bedroom)

(Tikki) * hears something coming from gym and wakes up still feeling tired and goes through multiple floors and the gym door to see what's going on

( tikki) * says tiredly and rubs my eyes* guys what are you doing up so early ? You woke me up

( plagg) oops s sorry sugarcube it's just that even though he managed to fight back when hawk moth almost evilized him it seems loverboy thought he should become stronger and faster to stop all negative emotions from getting in his head so he can always be ready for anything so he can protect skye

( Tikki) awwww that's so sweet of you chase willing to do anything and everything it takes to protect your loved one

( chase) thx tikki and of course I'd do anything to fight for and to protect   Skye. In fact I'm heading to the dojo next to start my training as a full ninja

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