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Cuddle bug- Movie

"Jklfdsa;lkjdsf;;lfdsakj;lkajfdkdidoi oij!" Kaminari complained and katsuki looked at him funny.

"What's wrong kams?"

"This homework doesn't make any fucking sense! The damned words are spinning and I can't remember the stuff I can read!" Katsuki cocked his head and pulled up a chair. Kami laid his head on his chest and groaned.

"Alright, would you like my help? "he nodded pitifully, Katsuki sat him upright and read the questions to him and went ofer kamis old notes and katsukis newer notes.

"Alright. Now in English, you know this.

*speaking/writing in english speaking/writing in japanese*

Alright i'll ask you the questions and write down the answers you give me, what's going to the store?"

"I am going to the store."

"Good now. The letter is eggs, milk and cheese."

"What? Do you mean the shopping list is eggs, milk and cheese?"

"Maybe? I don't know, you know I'm not great at English, plus you have the harder worksheet!"

"I know I think I can do this one by myself." he finished up the work sheet and snuggled with katsuki.

"Hey denks, I have one more question."

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Would you go on a date with me?" he blushed and kissed him softly

"Yes, of course I will. Where are you thinking?"

"What about that new movie? We could go right now and be back by curfew?

"Shure!" he smiled and took him by the hand and took him to the door leading him out. "Pick me up in a few?"

"Of course." he smiled and kissed his forehead before they both went and got dressed.

" he smiled and kissed his forehead before they both went and got dressed

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"You look nice, kami

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"You look nice, kami." he smiled and took katsukis hand.

"As you do, let's go, yeah?" he nodded and they headed out to the movie. Kami had fallen asleep about half way through the movie so on their way home Katsuki picked him up and carried him home. He laid him on his bed and wrote a note telling him he was in his own room before going there so he wouldn't worry in the morning.

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