2 Enoch

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2 Enoch [Longer recension, ms. J]

(tr. F. Andersen)

1a The story of Enoch: how the Lord took him to heaven

|There was| a wise man and a great artisan whom the LORD took away.

And he loved him so that he might see the highest realms;

and of the most wise and great and inconceivable and unchanging

kingdom of God almighty, •and of the most marvelous and glorious and shining and many-eyed station of the LORD's servants, and of the LORD's immovable throne,

• and of the ranks and organization of the bodiless armies, and of the indescribable composition of the multitude of elements,

• singing of the army of the cherubim, and of the light without measure, to be an eyewitness.

1 |Concerning Enoch's dream|

At that time he said, When 165 years were complete for me, I fathered my son Methusala; and after that I lived 200 years.

I completed all the years of my life, 365 years. •In the first month, on the assigned day of the first month, I was in my house alone.

And I lay on my bad sleeping. •And, while I slept, a great distress entered my heart, and I was weeping with my eyes in a dream. And I could not figure out what this distress might be, |nor| what might be

happening to me. •Then two huge men appeared to me, the like of which I had never seen on earth.

Their faces were like the shining sun;

their eyes were like burning lamps;

from their mouths fire was coming forth;

their clothing was various singing;

their wings were more glistening than gold;

their hands were whiter than snow.

And they stood at the head of my bed and called me by my name.

Then I awake from my sleep, and saw those men, standing in front of me, in actuality.

•Then I bowed down to them; and I was terrified; and the appearance of my face was changed because of fear. •Then those men said to me, "Be brave, Enoch! In truth, do not fear! The eternal God has sent us to you. And behold, you will ascend with us to heaven today. •And tell your sons 〈|and all the members of your household,|〉 everything that they must do in your house while they are without you on the earth. And let no one search for you until the LORD returns you to them." •And I hurried and obeyed them; and I went out of my house and I shut the doors as I had been ordered. And I called my sons, Methusalam and Regim and Gaidad. And I declared to them all the marvels that those men had told me.

2 |The instruction. How Enoch instructs his sons. "1."|

"Listen, my children! I do not know where I am going,

nor what will confront me. •Now, my children, |I say to you|:

Do not turn away from God.

Walk before his face,

and keep his commandments.

Do not abhor the prayers of your salvation,

so that the LORD will not curtail the work of your hands.

And do not be ungenerous with the LORD's gifts, and the LORD will not be ungenerous with his donations and love-gifts in your storehouses.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2021 ⏰

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