Kirishima X sad!reader

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(Y/N) sat there, crying in their dorm feeling at the lowest of lows. Everyone with dorms near (Y/N)'s could hear their sobbing, but they had locked the door, refusing anyone entry.


(Y/N)'s sobbing's been going on for about 15 minutes..

"(Y/N)? Could you let me in, please.?" I'd plea, but I got no reply. 

I'd go to knock the door again, but Kirishima walked into the common room, unlocked the door, and entered their room.

~3rd PERSON P.O.V~

Kirishima  walked into (y/n)'s room

"Baby..?" he spotted (Y/N) in their closet, covering their face, tears the size of grapes. Kirishima's eyes widened and his eyebrows furrowed into a worried expression. "Pebble! what happened?!" he walks to your side and asked if he could sit silently. ''Tell me what happened, I'm here to listen.."

you tell him why you're sad , avoiding eye contact and still crying

He cups your picks you up bridal style and gently places you on your bed, big spooning you and placing his head on your shoulder, cups your cheeks and whispers: "Pebble. What happened isn't your fault, and even if it was, I'd love you either way" he gives you a loving shark-like smile, making you smile too, he was your goofball, and you loved him for that. "That's better" he beams, after tightening his hug and drifting into the land of dream with you in his arms.


Knock knock.

You wake up to a faint knocking at your door, you open it using your ✨telekinesis✨ quirk; causing Denki, Mina, Uraraka, and Tsu to tumble in.

"Are you ok bestie?" Mina mouths, you nod your head and gesture towards the goofy red ball of sunshine (AKA Kiri), who was still fast asleep. They all leave and shut the door.

~30 mins later~

''eh..?" Kiri grunts as he wakes up to you, still in his arms. "Good morning pebble~!" he beams lovingly at you, kissing your forehead. "Good morning kiri!'' You said morning even if it was 3:47 P.M, it didn't matter, anyways.

Kiri smiles at you again, proceeding to give you a sweet 'I love you pebble', you smiles and hug him.

"I love you too Eijro, I love you too"


Ello! Author-Chan here, thanks for reading this! It's my first book here and was written *onto the app* in about 19 minutes, PLEASE give me criteria below! I know I have A LOT of room to improve, and it all starts with you, reader!

Kirishima  x Sad!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now