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The Straw Hats arrived on an island. Luffy being Luffy, immediately ran around trying to gather foods

"Zoro, Luffy, Sanji, Brook, you four are assigned to gathering foods" Nami said

"Robin and I will gather some information about this island"

"We'll guard the ship" Usopp said along with Chopper

"Suuupppeeerrr! Leave the ship to us" Franky said while doing the super pose

Everything was going well. The first team gathered enough food. The second team managed to get some information and went back to the ship

"It's an uninhabited island but we bumped into this girl earlier" Robin said

"Hm? Who are you?" Luffy asked as he tilted his head

"I'm Perona, the ghost princess" she laughed after introducing herself

"O, it's been a while" Zoro said

"You! You always gave me trouble!" Perona yelled while thrashing in the air

"You know each other, Zoro-san?" Brook asked

"Yeah. She was with Mihawk during my training" he replied

"So, what were you doing here?" Franky asked

"I was with Mihawk but I got lost. I'm sure he's still here searching for me" she laughed weirdly again

"Mihawk is here?" Sanji asked surprised and she nodded

"Anyway, can I stay in your ship until Mihawk finds me?" She asked

"Sure!" Luffy answered without hesitation


"Ussop, let's play!" Luffy dragged him along with Chopper

"Shall we play hide in seek?" Chopper asked excitedly

"Sure! Let me just invite Zoro" he ran quickly and went to the observation tower

"Zor-" he couldn't finish calling his name when he saw him having fun with the ghost girl

"O, Luffy? What's wrong?" Zoro noticed him

"Nothing! Bye!" He left quickly and the other was confused

Luffy returned to the duo and was confused why Zoro wasn't with him

"Where's Zoro?" Usopp asked

"He's having fun with Perona. Let's play just the three of us" he replied


"Zoro! Sanji said lunch is ready-" he lowered his voice when he saw Zoro sleeping near the sunny figurehead with Perona leaning on his shoulder who was also sleeping

Something rose from his chest that he can't explain. He bit his lip and turned around

"Where's that marimo?" Sanji asked

"He's sleeping with that ghost girl" he mumbled

"Huh!? He's sleeping with Perona- Oi, Luffy, are you okay?" He asked

"Yep!" He faked his enthusiasm and ate his food

Luffy was bad at lying so of course, his crew noticed his strange behaviour


"I'm going now. Thank you for letting me stay!" Perona floated her way to Mihawk

"Bye! Come visit us again~" Sanji gave her flying kisses

"Oi, has anyone seen Luffy?" Zoro asked

"I don't know. I wonder where he is" Nami crossed her arms and walked out

"What's wrong with her?"

"I'm a little disappointed in you, swordsman-san" Robin walked away

"You should have considered his feelings more" Usopp said and Chopper agreed

"You made him suuuppppeeerrr sad" Franky said

"What's wrong with them?" He scratched his head confused

"Stupid marimo"

"Huh!? What the hell did I do?"

"Oi, Brook, can you tell me what's wrong?" He asked

"Zoro-san, after you and Perona reunited, you barely gave Luffy-san any attention. He kind of got sad and maybe jealous because of her" he explained

"Oh" he blushed at the thought he was jealous because his attention was focused on another person

"Where is he now?" He asked

"In the Sunny's head" he replied

"Thanks, Brook" he ran and instantly found him sitting with his arms crossed while looking at the sunset

He jumped and landed on the Sunny's head. He then proceeded to sit beside his Captain

"Luffy" he called out

He didn't answer and just continued pouting. This made Zoro laughed and pinched his cheeks because he found him cute

"Were you jealous?" He teased

"Was not" he replied and pouted more

"Heh" he smirked and the latter finally looked at him in the eye

"How could I not be jealous when the person I love is giving all his attention to another person?" He pouted while blushing

A gentle breeze passed by them making Luffy's hair sway. The sunset was highlighting his features making him look ethereal

Zoro flushed furiously at the sight presented before him and because his Captain mentioned that he loves him

"You love me?" He asked one more time

"Of course I love you" he answered and averted his eyes, refusing to meet his gaze

"Luffy, look at me" he couldn't bring himself to look at him. He was feeling bashful all of a sudden

Zoro held his chin and made him face his direction

"Luffy, Perona and I are just friends. You're the one I love so there's nothing to be jealous of" he confirmed and smiled

"You also love me?" He asked and he nodded

Luffy smiled widely and hugged him. He returned the gesture and smiled like an idiot. They let go and stared at each other lovingly. Zoro traced his lips and looked at his Captain's eyes

"Can I?" He asked for permission and he nodded

They kissed each other and smiled like a fool. The Straw Hats was watching them and was cheering silently

"Promise me you won't look at another person the way you look at me" Luffy said

"I promise"

Zoro took Luffy's hand and bit the ring finger creating a bite mark

"I have no money right now but someday I will replace this with a ring"

Luffy did the same and now they matched. They claimed each other, proudly showing off to everyone that they belong with each other. Luffy sat on Zoro's lap and embraced each other enjoying the breeze. He kissed his forehead and smiled happily

"I will love you until the end of our eternity, Captain"


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