Your First Day at School

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Shadyside High School. Who has a witch as their mascot? Weird.

You were all-too wrapped up in your own thoughts to pay attention to your physical surroundings as you stumbled around campus, trying to make your way through the day.

Is anyone noticing me? Does anyone care?

A few people you passed glanced over at you and appeared to whisper.

Are they staring? How often do new people move to Shadyside, anyways?

All of a sudden, you collided with a tall, dark figure who seemed to have come out of nowhere.

"Oh...sorry." But he didn't move out of your way. You shyly glanced up to lock face to face with...

The boy from the street.

"Sorry. Hey, you look new." The tall boy wearing a red flannel jacket wore a wide grin.

"I'm pretty new, too. My name is Thomas. Thomas Slater. Everyone calls me Tommy, though. What's your name?" He extended his hand as his kind blue eyes sent a shock through your heart.

"(Y/N). (Y/N) (Y/LN)," you nearly stuttered as you shook his hand.

"Don't be so scared," he laughed. "People look at me weird, too. Let's stick together today. I think we can help each other out. Lemme see your schedule."

You pulled it out as he scanned it. "What luck! We have our next class together. Right on! Let's go." He walked with you to class, somehow matching your pace perfectly.

"What brings you to Shadyside?" He asked casually.

"My mom, she got a new position..." you paused, wondering if you should bring up what it was.

"A job opening? Here? That's new. Guess a lot has changed." Tommy shrugged.

"I thought you said you're new." You raised an eyebrow in slight suspicion.

"Well, kinda." He chuckled and your suspicions melted away. There was something not quite right about him. Something strange. Yet, he had this magic that you couldn't help but gravitate towards. "I moved away and I'm back. It's been a while though. Years."

"Where'd you go to?" You asked.

He smiled as his eyes seemed to change expressions from joking to serious for a split second.


You laughed nervously, not sure what to make of it, and continued walking.

"Oh, here's the classroom. History." He stopped you by putting one arm around your waist and turning you slightly towards the door. When his hands touched the small of your back, you swear you could feel electric sparks. That simple touch was all it took.

"Ah, class!" exclaimed the teacher. "Today we have a new student. Her name is (Y/N). Everyone make her feel welcome."

The students all stared at you with curious eyes that seemed to say "new student?" as if they had never seen one before.

The teacher cleared his throat. "Anyway class, let's get back into what we were covering in our last class. The History of Shadyside. Now, do we remember how our town became one of two that used to make up Union?"

You raised your hand, and the teacher widened his eyes.

"Well, this is a surprise! (Y/N)."

You knew the right answer and explained the Sarah Fier backstory. In fact, whenever the teacher asked a question in class, you knew the answer. Everyone was shocked that you had bothered to learn about the entire history of Shadyside before your arrival.

You and Tommy spent the rest of the day together. Ironically, the more you uncovered about him, the more mysterious he was to you.

At lunch, you noticed that he was only sitting with you, the poor new girl. "Why don't you just hang out with the friends from before you moved away?" you asked curiously. After no response, you added on, "I just mean, if you already have friends here, you can go hang with them."

"I... I can't. They aren't here anymore." He sighed. What does that mean? "Honestly, I'm not sure why I'm back here. I don't think I'm meant to be back," he reflected. He rubbed his chin in thought. "But, even if they were here, I still dig chilling with you." He smiled again.

That damn smile.

You immediately forgot to wonder what he meant by "They aren't here anymore." You forgot to ask where he really moved away to. You forgot to think about the slang or older 70s language he was using.

Finally, it was time to go home. You started walking.

"Hey, (Y/N), where ya going?" Tommy called out. "Want a ride home?"

"No, it's ok. I'm fine." You tried to appear nonchalant, but secretly, you really, really wanted a ride home with Tommy.

"Aw, bummer, how come?"

"I'll feel bad. Besides, you're the only one who talked to me all day."

"What's wrong with that?" He faked a hurt expression and voice. "Am I...not good enough?"

You rolled your eyes. "Maybe... Maybe you're an axe murderer or something! My mom always warned me about strangers, you know." You were flirting harder than you knew possible.

"Alright, alright. Well, guess I'll catch ya on the flip side, then." He smiled, shrugged, and walked to his bright red truck.

On your walk home, you could hear footsteps behind you. They also matched yours. You tried to ignore it, but the steps persisted.

Don't feel scared, it's broad daylight. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine, you thought to yourself as you turned around in apprehension.

What you saw was quite underwhelming. A nerdy black-haired teen with emo hair, dressed almost gothic.

"Sorry!" he exclaimed. "I don't want you to think that I'm following you or anything. I guess my place is in the same direction as yours." He tried to laugh to dissipate the obvious tension.

"I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Ryan." He smiled and extended his hand. "What's your name?"

Hesitantly, you shook his hand. "(Y/N). Wait... What's your last name?" you asked.

Your mind was reeling. Could it be?THE Ryan Torres!? Prior to arriving to Shadyside, you did all the background research about the killings, the supposed "witch curse", and Nick Goode behind it all. You had seen his picture in the paper. This nerdy kid standing in front of you definitely matched that description. But...How could Ryan Torres be back? Was it really him?

Sure enough, he replied, "Torres."

Tommy Slater x reader love story: Setting Souls FreeWhere stories live. Discover now