Chapter 1

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It had been a few days since your first day at Kamome Gakuen. The students here were actually decent and a little nice. Yashiro was still the nicest one to you. She had another friend named Aoi Akane, which you respectfuly called Aoi-chan. The both of them were sweet to you.

But you noticed something a little strange about Yashiro. Every day after school, she would go running to the girls' bathroom. It was weird since you learned the bathroom was never really used. Then again, she could be using the bathroom before going home or something.

"Y/N-chan! How did you do on the exam?" Yashiro asked, holding up her exam paper. You looked down at your paper. "I got an 80%..." you mumbled. Yashiro's eyes lit up with admiration. "Woah! That's amazing! I only got a 75%" Yashiro praised. You couldn't help but smile at her.

Deep down, you knew your parents wouldn't be satisfied with your results. They wanted a prodigy, a genius child. But you've disappointed them time and time again. You felt useless when they begged you to do better. It made you feel like you were...just a burden.

"Nene-chan, do you wanna go to the mall today?" Aoi asked her good friend. "Ah...sorry, Aoi, I have to be somewhere else today, " Yashiro apologized. You saw how disappointed she was when she said that. She didn't actually want to go to wherever she was supposed to be.

You packed up your bags. Your eyes fell back onto the 80% written in red ink on your paper. What would your mother say to that? She always wanted you to get at least 90%. Now you had to go home with this kind of mark. You clutched the paper and shoved it into your bag.






"Welcome back, Y/N, " your mother greeted. You gave her a small smile, hoping that she might've forgotten about your test. But, of course, the universe just liked to see you suffer. Your mother turned to you. " was your exam, Y/N?" she asked in a stern tone.

"Yeah, it was fine, " you said. "Then, may I have your score?" she asked. You gulped and gave her your exam paper, hoping she wouldn't yell. A disappointed sigh escaped your mother's lips. "An 80%? Really? Y/N, you know you can do better than this, " your mother lectured.

"I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I've given you the right education, and the right enviroment. What more do you want? You know what, go to your room. This score needs to go up, understand?" you turned and ran to your room, your head hanging low.

The door closed behind you. Your heart felt heavy. You sat on your bed, taking out a book. Your test score wasn't enough. Yet again, nothing was ever enough. No matter what you did, you knew that it wouldn't be enough to please your mother. That was the harsh reality


Liquid? Was it rain leaking through the roof-...oh. Your hand touched your face. You hadn't even realized you were crying over this. For some reason, you began giggling to yourself. How dumb, to cry like this. Over something so mild. But, you had to admit, it hurt very much.

Slowly, you reached into a drawer and pulled out your laptop. Watching anime was a comfort thing for you. It filled you with a certain happiness, like the show had stolen you away from reality. It really helped you recover from any discouraging lecture from your family.

You felt yourself drifting away. Drifting away into a deep sleep. You paused the show and curled up in your bed. Well, your mother wasn't proud of you. But it's best not to think about that. Don't let words cut you down, as they say. And with that, your eyelids drooped and shut.






"Good morning, Y/N-chan!...are you okay? You look a little out of it today..." Yashiro came up to your desk, her usual sweet smile on her face. You perked up and gave her a small smile. "No, no, I'm fine. I just...had a long night, " you gave a lame excuse, which she accepted.

Yashiro nodded and turned to Aoi who was standing next to her. You put your head on your arms. Why did you feel so drained. Your hand slowly trailed to your bag, and you wanted to grab your notebook. But, all you grabbed was air. Huh? You rummaged around for your notebook.

It wasn't there! "Where's my notebook...?" you mumbled to yourself, looking around yourself. But it was well and truly gone. Great, you must've forgotten it at home. Now the teacher's gonna get mad. You let out a deep and frustrated sigh. But you saw a flash of pink in the corner.

A...rabbit? What was that? The pink creature appeared to be holding something. It was a book, with a purple cover and a name scribbled on it...hey, it was your notebook! You stood up and walked over to the creatures. Slowly, you peered down behind the potted plants.

"Um...isn't that my notebook?" you questioned. The pink bunnies seemed to freeze up when you addressed them clearly. You felt a little awkward just standing there. "Uhh...may I have that back?" you attempted to take your notebook, but the bunnies started to freak out.

"They can see us!"

"We have to run and hide!"

"Do they want candy?"

"Just run!"

They scattered away, leaving your notebook on the table. You blinked a couple of times before slowly reaching for your notebook. You walked back to your desk and sat down. "Am I...going crazy or were those things real?" you suddenly asked yourself, looking down at your notebook.

Sighing, you rubbed your temples. "Calm down, Y/ can't go insane yet. You still have lots more of your life to live. You need to find friendship, money, love..." you spoked these words softly. Oh boy, today was going to be a very long day...

𝐀 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥  𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 (𝐓𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐚 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now