𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞

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➸ "Megumi.. I could've slept in." you whine when walking into his room half asleep, he woke you up to get ready for school just to go back to his house for him to get ready.

Megumi watches you get into his bed and snuggle into his pillows, "Go to sleep. I'll wake you up when we're going." he takes off his shirt and you hear his pants hit the ground, making one eye open.

He yawns and ruffles his hair when walking into his restroom and you sit up to look through the door. Your mouth gapes when he looks up and takes a deep breath before stepping into the steamy shower. Now you're fully awake, "Can I come in?" you knock on the door.

"Sure." Megumi answers and pokes his head out to see you on in a bra and underwear, "Wha—"

"I didn't get to shower this morning, can I join you?" you smile innocently and discard them when he nods his head. You let out a small noise when his wet arm hooks around your waist and pulls you inside. You smile at the warmness and take his body wash container, "Never heard of this brand." you squeeze some on a small towel.

"Yeah.. Gojo gets all my stuff specialized for me." he mumbles almost embarrassingly, you look at his shampoo and conditioner that were lavender scented and a nice purple color.

"That's nice." you poke his stomach, "Oh my gosh, is he here?" you cover your mouth.

"He is." Megumi tilts his head back to rinse off the conditioner, "But it's ok—" he stops mid sentence when you begin to kiss down his exposed neck.

Your lips move down to his chest and lower your knees onto the wet flooring that was heated, damn Gojo is rich. "You know in the morning... I'm just craving some vitamin d.." you half joke but grin as his dick was rising right before your eyes, "Can I get it from you?"

"Shit.." he looks down and nods, "Open baby." your mouth opens and tongue is out for him to lay his dick down and slide it a few times until he couldn't take it anymore and fucks your mouth.

You watch the water hit his head and run down his toned body, sucking harder while he grips your cheeks and lets out low moans.

"I made waffles!" a voice comes and knocks on the door, "And Mj is asleep."

"Gojo!" Megumi says loudly and keeps hitting the back of your throat, trying to form a sentence was harder than he thought, "Give me a few minutes." he grunts.

"I"m actually off to school, see you there." he knocks one more time before leaving. 

Megumi stares down at your face then decides to bring you up and push you against the wall, your chest was pressed against the cold tile and your breaths were deep and fast, "Meg— Oh!" you moan when he pushes his dick inside fast.

"Look at me." he grips your hair and pulls you against his chest, you two kiss heatedly and his thrusts keep a deep rhythm that takes your breath every time. "Is this what you wanted?"

Your hips are gripped to fuck you harder and reaches your womb every time that drives you both crazy, "Oh gosh yes!" you reach behind and grab a fistful of his hair. 

"Fuck, I'm going to cum in you." his head is thrown back when he thrusts all the way in you and lets his milky cum paint your walls white. Pulling out he lowers down while you were still trying to catch your breath.

"What the fuck?" you look down at his fingers shoving the leaking cum back into you, "Why do you keep trying to get me pregnant?" you let out a breathless laugh but let him continue.

"Let's go get waffles." he grips your ass in both hands and kisses one before turning off the water and carrying you into his room.


Megumi throws the plan b box in the school trash before grabbing your hand and walking in together, "Now I'm really tired." you lean against his shoulder while waiting for Nobara and Yuji.

"The vitamin d didn't help?" he looks down and you elbow his side which makes him chuckle, "We can skip free period if you want."

"Yes, please." you lean up to kiss his jawline.

Rin comes up and you let out a groan, "Hey y/n," he smirks at you and his eyes look to the man, "Megumi."

"Hey Rin." you let out a yawn, "What's up?"

"Did you forget about our economics project?" he holds up the half finished poster board.

"Oh shit!" you wake right up and gasp, "Shit, shit, shit." you whisper and check the date on your phone, "It's due—"

"Tomorrow morning, yeah." Rin nods, "Look, I can do it and just put your name on it."

"No, that's not fair." it was almost time for class and you try to think of a resolution, "We can meet up during free period, do you have it at the end of the day?" you ask.

"I do.."

"Ok, we can go to my house, I left my books at home." you sigh and take Rins phone that he was handing over to give him your number, "Text me later."

"Oh I will—"

"For the project, you creep." you push his forehead while grabbing Megumi's hand and walking towards the other couple. It takes a few seconds to realize what just happened, "I'm sorry Megumi.."

He looks down and hugs you backwards, letting his chin rest on your shoulder and moves his head to side to kiss your neck softly while Yuji and Nobara talked,

"It's fine, I'll be there."


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