The Letter

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Niki went outside to get the mail. There were only some newspapers and bills as usual. When Niki had gotten inside she opened the newspaper but something fell out, an envelope. The envelope that was now laying on the floor later turned out to be the one thing that would change Nikis life. Niki watched how the envelope slowly fell to the ground as she wondered who it could be from. After a while she picked up the envelope to see where it had come from but when she looked at the envelope the only thing written was her name in big cursive letters.

As the evelope was slit open, Niki could not help but feel excited and a bit nervous. As she pulled out the letter a wave of confusion struck her seeing that the letter was a love letter. She read the letter but could not understand who could have sent the letter to her but she could still feel herself begin to blush. Niki read through the letter till she came to the end of the page where in that same cursive lettering it said a name, Minx.

It had gone two weeks since Niki recived the letter and she was thinking of writing back just to show that she had recived and read the letter. She spent her Saturday afternoon writing a proper letter she could send to the mysterius Minx, this is what the letter read.

"Hello Minx!, this is Niki the one you sent a letter to. I wanted to let you know that I had recived and read the letter. I'm very sorry to tell you but i cant return your feelings simply since i dont know you, but i'm gonna be honest and tell you that the letter was very sweet. If you want we could continue writing to eachother and hopefully become great friends.

Yours truly Niki."

After finishing the letter Niki slid it into the envelope, closing it, putting on a stamp and lastly Writing big and visebly, Minx.

Niki went outside and carefully put the envelope with the finished letter inside the mailbox wishing it would reach Minx and that she would soon get a response.

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