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Hey guys! look whats here!

The three of us made it to the airport in what I know was record time. While Alice sat with Bella, I was getting the tickets on the next flight to Italy. We practically had to carry Bella onto the plane and put her into her seat, she was so stressed. I mean, I get it, the mating bond or whatever. The girls and Esme always told me that it was one of the strongest feelings you'd could and would ever experience as a vampire, no matter how long you've been alive. It's stronger for us vampires than it is for humans like Bella, but what did I know? I didn't have a mate yet, and I wasn't looking into finding mine anytime soon. I was perfectly happy with the family I have now, Emmett and Rose, Jaz and Alice. Esme and Carlisle. Maybe Edward, and if he ever turned her, Bella. She was a sister to me now. And while Edward was a total and utter dick, Bella loved him, and she'd do anything for him, even come all the way to Italy to keep him from killing himself.

I shook my head as I tuned back into the conversation Bella and Alice were having when something Bella said got my attention. "No,Bella. We aren't changing you. Not here, not on the plane. Besides, Edward would kill us." I scolded her for even asking Alice to do it right here on the plane. She looked at me and pouted. "But Raven, you know I can help if you guys change me. Please." she pouted, the stress in her voice very obvious to me and I shook my head. "Drop it, Bella. Get some rest, we'll be there soon." I demanded, done with the conversation. She nodded and leaned against the seat, and she fell asleep quickly. I turned to my sister. "What's waiting for us, Alice?" I questioned her and she sighed. "Raven- I think I should keep that to myself, I know you love surprises!" She giggled and I growled quietly at her, baring my teeth. "Don't start, Alice. We don't have time for jokes. We both know what could happen." I told her, and she nodded. "Fine, just... never mind." she told me, obviously avoiding telling me what she saw, which was not normal for her. I knew I could look into her mind using part of my gift, but I would never do that to her, not without her permission. We went the rest of the flight holding Bella's hands, mentally preparing ourselves for what was to come. And I was wondering what Alice meant when she said I'd be happy.

When we got to the airport and the plane landed, Alice darted off to get a car, no doubt she was going for option grand theft auto, as it was the only option. I held Bella as Alice sped towards us in a yellow Porsche, sliding to a stop and tossing the door open. I jumped into the back and Bella took the front, and as soon as the door slammed shut; Alice slammed on the gas. Bella got more panicked the closer we got to Volterra. "I'm guessing you didn't rent this car?" Bella gasped out at Alice, who only sped up, leading me to respond. "We figured you wouldn't be opposed to grand theft auto." I told her, smiling at her shocked face. "Not today." she mumbled, stopping whatever she was going to say as Alice was pulled into a vision. "What is it Alice?" "What? What do you see?" me and Bella bolted out our questions at the same time, and Alice sighed. "They refused him." she told the human girl, and I looked out the window. "So...?" she questioned, looking back and forth between my sister and I. "So he's gonna make a scene." she tells Bella, and I finish her thought for her. "Show himself to the humans." I explained and Bella looked at me with a terrified look in her eyes. "No! When?" she questioned, turning to Alice, who looked at her. "He's gonna wait until noon, when the sun's at its highest." Alice told us both, and I nodded.

Bella placed her hand on the dash and took a shaky breath. "Alice, you gotta hurry up." she begged. "There's Volterra." I told the two, pointing out of my window. The city streets were flooded with people dressed in red cloaks. Alice honked the horn to move them and continued driving. "Why are they all in red?" Bella asked me. "San Marco's Day festival. They're commemorating the expulsion of vampires from the city." I explained. "It's the perfect setting. The Volturi will never let him get far enough to reveal himself." Alice finished my thought. "We have five minutes!" Bella freaked out. "Bella, breathe." I commanded. Alice turned a corner and we hit a roadblock, police stopped us, and Bella got out. "Alice. Raven." she turned to us. "Bella, you're the only one he can't see coming! If we go, he'll read our thoughts, he'll think we're lying. He'll rush into it." I told her. "Where do I go?" Bella asked. "He'll be under the clock-tower. Go Bella!" Alice shouted and Bella took off. I looked at my sister. "Does she make it?" I asked, and Alice nodded. "Then let's go get this asshole set straight." I growled and we got out of the car and slid into the shadows, making our way to the tower.

As we reached the doors of the clock-tower, I could hear Bella and Edward's voices, along with two others. I looked at Alice, who gave me a very smug look but I shook my head and snapped the lock on the door and pushed it open, heading inside with her right behind me as we pulled off the scarves we had on that protected us from the sun. "Come on guys. It's a festival. You wouldn't wanna make a scene." Alice told the two guards as I nodded, glaring at my somewhat brother and growling; the last conversation we had was still fresh in my mind. Bella looked at me with a worried face, but I was snapped out of my angry state by the most wonderful voice. "We wouldn't." it spoke, and I turned my eyes to see that it belonged to a vampire larger than my brother, with blood red eyes, chiseled features, and gorgeous dark brown hair.And I didn't know his name, but I knew Demetri, their tracker, who was standing beside him, which led to me believe this was Felix, the Volturi's executioner and enforcer. I remember that Carlisle had once told me that alone they were dangerous, but together the two of them were a murderous team. Almost as dangerous as the Witch Twins, Jane and Alec. I involuntarily took a deep breath at the sight of him and oh my gods. The scent that filled my nose was pure heaven. He smelled of cedarwood, cinnamon, and vanilla.

He made eye contact with me and his eyes grew wide. Felix, this hulking giant... was my mate? I heard Edward growl at my thought and I glared at him. "Enough." a girl's voice echoed down the hall, and I looked away from Felix to see Jane, and I felt a frown grow on my face.The last encounter I had with the twins was...not very pleasant, at least, the encounter with her wasn't, but the one with Alec had been...rather pleasant, so to speak. "Jane." Edward acknowledged her. "Aro sent me to see what was taking so long." she told us, gesturing for us to follow as she glowered at me. Bella looked at me, confusion evident on her face. "Do as she says, Bella, trust me, it's not worth the fight." I whispered to the frightened girl, who nodded and stayed beside my brother. He and Bella went ahead and me and Alice were right behind them, Demetri and Felix directly behind the two of us. I could feel Felix right behind me, and I could hear him breathing, taking in my scent; and it brought a small smile to my face to know what he had done. "Raven, stop thinking what you're thinking." Edwards snapped at me and I snarled at him, the noise echoing in the halls, causing Bella to grip onto him. How dare he tell me to stop? I just met my mate! The mate I never thought I'd have! I heard Demetri and Felix laughing from behind, so I turned and shot Felix a cocky wink, before I walked in my place beside Alice, who gave me a wink and a smug look. "You bitch. You knew!" I growled at her and she nodded and kept walking. If I'm being honest, Felix was the one thing in my immortal life in this world that I never thought I would find; and that was my mate.

Jane led us down a set of stairs. "Don't be scared." I heard Edward tell Bella. "Are you?" she asked him. "No." he responded and I scoffed, which caused Jane to turn and look at me. I shrugged. They led us into an elevator and we got in, my back almost touching Felix's chest, he reached forward slightly and brushed his hand against my arm lightly before moving it back. The slight touch made my un-dead heart flutter. Was this what the mating bond felt like? I could hear Edward snarl at my thoughts, once again causing a growl to slip out of my mouth. "Stop reading my mind, or so help me I'll make you regret it. And you know it." I hissed at him quietly, but everyone heard it, and I was shocked to hear Alice mumble in agreement with me. He shut up and I smiled. I felt my mate's chest rumble with unspoken laughter at my words. The elevator opened and we all got off, continuing on through the halls. When we stepped off, the human secretary welcomed us in Italian. I saw Bella look at Edward. "Is she human?" she asked. "Yes," he told her. "Does she know?" she asked him again. "Yes," he told her. "Then why would... She wants to be." Bella realized. "And so she will be." Demetri told us, and Jane scoffed. "Or dessert." Jane snapped, causing me to hum. "Sounds much more pleasant." I mumbled, absentmindedly, missing the looks my two siblings shot me as Jane opened the doors. "Here we go." I whispered to Alice as we walked into the room.


Hehe, yeah, its short, but the next one is where it gets good! Love you my witches and wizards

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