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The sirens drowned out the sound of that once peaceful night. A grey car pulled up to the scene of the crime, coming to a sudden stop next to the ambulance. Swiftly, the door flew open and a woman with long brunette hair and emerald green eyes stepped out of the car and purposely walked closer towards the body.

"Officer Ronwin"  A blonde haired forensic scientist got up from a crouch and smiled at Skye.

Skye put on a pair of black rubber gloves and brushed her hair behind her ear. "Damon, what have we got here?" She crouched down and examined the body.

"His name is Marcus Dubaine; 24, a high school physics teacher, with no known family" Damon was searching through the cards Marcus' had in his wallet to find out more. Confidently he pointed at the corpse' neck "He was strangled and then cut at the throat."

He turned the corpse head with his hand "and he was also struck at the side of the head with a blunt object.."

Skye got up and patted Damon on the back, calmly walked towards her car. She leant against the car and pulled out her phone. Quickly she put it to her ear and it rang. "Hello? This is officer Ronwin." She took small breaths between each word. "Yes. Male aged 24, choked, bashed at the head and slit through" Slowly she took the phone from her ear and put it away. She watched as the body was carried into the ambulance. "Damon" She shouted. He turned his head and looked at her in confusion. "Still coming to yours tonight for drinks?!" He put a thumbs up and went back to examine the scene around him. She shook her head and smiled before getting in the car and driving away.

It was ten o'clock and Skye was driving calmly to Damons, or so she thought. She took each turning like usual without hesitation. When she pulled up, Skye was not where she thought she was. A tall abandoned office building stood right in front of her.

Slowly she got out of the car and examined the scene in front of her. The metal fence was cut open on the side, with just enough space for her to get through. As she cautiously walked up the stairs, whispering and tapping filled her head; she knew this was a bad idea but had no intention of calling for backup.

A room with no door stood in front of her and the whispering in her head became louder. Her instincts were screaming at her to leave.

She ignored them.

Steadily entering the room she felt a thin wire wrap around her neck. She tried grabbing the wire but the person behind her was too strong. "This isn't going to take long. You'll be the first in the protectors" The unknown assailant tightened the wire around her neck and Skye felt faint. Slowly she took a breath and unknowingly let out a blood curdling scream that cleared the whispering in her head. The wire started to loosen

"You don't know what you are." Skye tried to get loose but was still weak. "The wailing woman, a Banshee". The wire then let loose from around her neck. Swiftly she pulled her gun from her side and turned but no one was there. Had she imagined it? She could feel the pain around her neck. But the question is what did her assailant mean by first of the protectors? But more importantly why was she led here and what is a Banshee?

She shook her and was about to leave until she saw something in the corner of the room. Slowly she walked over to it, she let out a slight gasp and dropped her gun. A tear ran down her face as Damon, the man she once knew was battered up on the floor like the high school professor, from earlier that night.

Hesitantly Skye wiped her tears, pulled out her phone and placed it to her ear. "Hello? Tai?" Her voice was shaky. "Thank god you're ok! Yes I'm fine. I need you to get to the abandoned office building next to Talia's" She put away her phone and grabbed her gun off the floor. Slowly she waited and kept an eye on her surroundings making sure nothing was out of the ordinary.


She gave out a sigh "I'm up here!" she yelled.

Tai quickly rushed into the room with a massive bag on his back. "What is all that for?" He put the bag down and opened it, pulling out a sandwich "Cause i know you don't eat after work."

She rolled her eyes and ate the sandwich. "So that's Damon?  He was so nice, who would do that to him?" Tai's voice was calm.

Skye looked down at her boots and then back up at Tai "What's a Banshee?"

He gave her a puzzled look "What? Like the woman from Irish myth?"

A blank and confused look sailed across her face.

He let out a sigh "The Banshee was a bringer of death, she would scream when someone was going to die. Why would you want to know?"

She wiped her mouth with her sleeve. "Whoever killed Damon, tried to kill me and I screamed. I screamed louder than I could when I was six. She called me a banshee and disappeared"

He had a calmed look on his face, he knew more than he was letting on.

They both stood there in silence. "You know something don't you? Your liking for death and the supernatural wasn't a coincidence"

He looked down, avoiding eye contact. "Skye, your grandma didn't kill herself, she was driven crazy with the voices in her head. She screamed every night, she said that it got rid of the voices and that if she didn't scream someone would die."

She slumped against the wall "And that's what happened to me. There were whispers in my head telling me to come up here and when i screamed they went away"

He bit down on his bottom lip "How about we sort out Damon first and then you"

She nodded and pulled out her phone "This is officer Ronwin with a code ten, fifty six. Yes a murder like the one earlier. At the abandoned office building on western lane next to Talia's bakery" She put away her phone "We better stay here until they arrive" She gave a faint smile before sinking to the floor.

"It's going to be ok, I'll tell you everything after this is all over" Tai comforted her until the police arrived.

It was now half twelve and Skye gave her final report "Yes sir, i was driving to Damons and somehow ended up here"

The investigator raised a brow and let out a sigh, closed his notepad and walked away. She gave a side smile, turned and looked at Tai. Skye looked at the investigator. She had never seen him before. Backing up she tapped the man who just took her quote.

"Hey officer, who's he?" she pointed to who she assumed to be the new officer.

"That's officer Martin, just got here a few days ago"

She smiled and walked back to Tai "You done?". 

Officer Martin tapped her on the shoulder "Excuse were not done here"

Slowly she turned and pushed her hair behind her ears. "I think you are done here..." She thought for a moment.

"Bailey, Bailey Martin" He looked her up and down. Gave a chuffed smile "You must be Officer Ronwin"

She shook her head and grabbed Tai's hand hoping he'd notice "I'm leaving." Quickly she turned and her long hair whipped him in the face. Tai giggled and followed Skye to her car. Skye slammed the door and turned to look at Tai.

He had a massive grin on his face "You like him!" He mercifully tickled her before she pushed him away and started to drive.

Skye pulled up outside a gas station. "Be back just filling up the tank" She got out of the car.

As she was filling the tank, Tai looked at the fuel gauge. "Hey Skye, you've got a full tank" There was no response. Cautiously, he got out of the car and looked around. "Skye?" His voice was shaky. With every step his breathing became heavy. "Skye come on, this isn't funny" A door swung open beside him and Skye was standing there with blood in her hands. Turning the corner he saw that the toilets of the gas station were covered in blood. He slowly placed his hand on Skye's shoulder "Skye?".

Then Skye opened her mouth and let out a blood curdling scream, before starting to cry. "They're going to die. They're all going to die"

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