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Author's Pov

"Get out from here Mr V.... "

Heaven's teary eyes which were burning up with rage got stuck into his gloomy ruinous one which were already staring deep into her immensely making her to fisted her palms. .

Heaven gawked at him and again spat

"I said to you Mr V get out from here. "

She got no reply from him and neither any reaction because he just stood on his ground by staring at her blankly.

And his silence was adding fuel in her burning rage. She gritted her teeth and harshly rubbed the dried up tears on her cheeks turning them red.

She took a couple of steps nearer to his directions and snapped her fingers at the door

"That's the door to way out from here if you're having any difficulty in finding it . So now
Here... "

She said stressing her each word through gritted teeth but got nothing from him in reply who just stared at her like she was talking to some else present on that room making her anger to changed into wrath.

"Are you fucking deaf ? Get the fuck out from here Kim Taesin before I.. "

Heaven halted from further speaking when his one brow slightly raised upward like daring her to completed her sentence which made her rage to peaked its high.

Heaven took a couple more steps closer to him again and gaped at him

"Get out before I call the cops or security of this building to throw you out from here because we both know I am capable of it now and I have every right to do it here Mr V. " She barked at his face but still silence from him which made Heaven to lose her senses in rage and to thought properly.

"Are you not properly capable of hearing me..? Oh.. Wait you're still thinking that I am giving you vein threatenings right Mr V because who has the courage and audacity to go against the one and only cold and ruthless Mr Kim Taesin who can kill someone with just a snap of his fingers without thinking for twice

Am I right Mr V..? "

His eyes darken hearing her choice of words which made Heaven to smirked in satisfaction earning a reaction from him because she knew it the only way to made him respond back was to instigate him to make him angry which was too dangerous but yet she did because she didn't give a damn about his anger anymore.

Heaven smirked watching his reaction and crossed her arms against her chest.

"You really are believing that nobody will dare to go against you here seriously. ? " She chuckled and clapped her hands dramatically

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