Slow Week

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"Sarg, I don't want to jinx anything but we haven't had a case in a week." Jay Halstead leaned back in his chair and threw a piece of paper in the trash bin. "My paperwork has never been so caught up and I cleaned my desk. I'm losing my mind a bit, boss."

"That's just because you can't stand sitting still for more than 5 minutes, Jay. You need to learn to appreciate the calm before the storm." Sergeant Voight shook his head with his hands in his pockets.

"I'm going to go out to the shooting range if that's alright with you Sarg. You can call me if we catch anything. I can't sit around here any longer." Jay stood up and grabbed his jacket off the back of his chair.

"I'll go with you." Adam Ruzek jumped up and grabbed his jacket as well. Voight nodded and headed back to his office.

"So, how are things going with you and Upton?" Adam asked Jay as they drove the short distance to the range. Jay glanced over at him with a raised eyebrow before turning his attention back to the road.

"Taking things one day at a time I guess. We both have a lot of baggage coming into things. What about you and Burgess?"

"Same thing. I don't think we ever stopped loving each other but we needed to grow up a lot. Well, I did." Adam looked out the window as they pulled into the parking lot. They parked and got out grabbing the cases for the long guns from a locked compartment at the back of the truck. Jay picked up his case then set it back down as a sharp pain hit him in the lower abdomen. He gasped and grabbed his stomach as the pain subsided as quickly as it had hit.

"You ok?" Adam put his free hand on Jay's shoulder with an expression of concern.

"Ya, I just had a weird pain. I must have twinged something at the gym last night. It's gone again." Jay took a deep breath with a confused expression on his face. Adam grabbed Jay's gun case before he could protest.

"You aren't a spring chicken anymore. You may not be able to keep up with us young pups. Maybe it's time for you to start slowing down. Let us take the lead more." Adam started to walk into the club quickly while Jay shook his head and closed the tailgate.

"First of all, I'm not that much older than you. Second of all, I can run circles around you anyday." Jay followed Adam into the building.

They went into the outdoor range and set up the long range weapons. Eye and ear protection on they took position and aimed at the target on the end of the field. They sent off several shots before pulling in the targets. Jays shots all hit the center bullseye of the human target. Adam's were within the body but spread out on the sheet.

"How do you get them all so close? What's the secret?" Adam frowned looking at his sheet.

"Adam, I've known you a long time. I mean this with all due love and respect. You have some serious squirrels running around your head most of the time. You need to teach them to stay calm so you can focus. Breathe and focus on the target and nothing else." They set up new targets and got set.

Voight was leaning back in his chair when the phone rang. He sighed before leaning forward and picking up the phone.

"I have a case for you." Deputy Superintendent Samantha Miller stated without hesitation.

"You heard we had a slow week and want to make sure you're getting your money's worth out of my unit?" Hank leaned forward on the desk.

"Judge Vanessa Wilson was just found dead in her home. I need you there now." Miller stated as she hurried to her car. "I'll text you the address."

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