Chapter 8

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I walking   down  the  hallway  and  on my  left, I see  my dad  in a room  so I went to see  what  he  was doing   so when I peek   in the door I can  see he is  having  an affair  with someone and I can  hear  moan   out   her name  then I couldn't believe   what I was   seeing and  hearing  my  dad  is  cheating  on my  mom  with   another  woman   that  is when my  dad sees me  then I run   to  the  hallway then I see my  mom  she   comes up to me   and  says  this  to me "asalim nega darslaringga tayyor emassan"


"nima demoqchisiz" i look back   then tears  starts coming  and my  mom   hugss me  "bolam, men bilan nima gaping bor?"

"Onam, dadam sizni aldayapti, men uni boshqa birov bilan jinsiy aloqada bo'lganini ko'rdim"

that  is when  her  face   turns  into  a pissed  way   that  is when my  dad   comes back  puts his   arm around me   then  mom   says  this   to him   making  everyone   keep watching "meni aldayapsizmi?"

"asal bu haqda keyinroq gaplashamiz"

"Yo'q, men endi boshqa ayol bilan mening orqamda jinsiy aloqa qila olmaysiz"

"Yaxshi, ha, men boshqa odam bilan jinsiy aloqada bo'laman, men sen bilan ishimni tugatdim"

"Maktabdan keyin men hamma narsani bizning xonamizga yig'ib qo'yishingizni xohlayman, agar bo'lmasa, men sizni hozir sudga beraman !!!" 

"men bilan yaxshi, bokira bolalaring bilan zavqlaning, shilliq" he  leaves   the school  then I feel heartbreaking  and I see my  aunt   hugging me   but I couldn't  handle it anymore  so I run      and my  ex  runs   after  me    calling my  name   but I take  out a  gun    pull the trigger   and  right  before I can   yell   he  knocks  it out of my  head  then it explores making a  fire  we  fall in a  sex  position    when I wake  up  in the  hospital  to  see my mom and   the whole  entire  high school  then I see my  father"Papi"

"hi baby I heard  what happened it's  all  my  fault"

"yes  it is "my  mom  saying  underneath  her breathe 

"it's  ok   even  though  I'm  really  mad at you I'll forgive you"

"I love you  "

"I love you too dad  and I love you mom"

"I love you  to  baby"

"Now let's be a family  again    please mom and  dad a kiss and hug  you  guys  love  each other   deep  down I know you to   know  it"

my dad  looks at my  mom  then  grabs  her hand   and  he strokes it "I hate  us   being  like   this I really do I didn't  have the  right to cheat on you   and I regret  it  and I know   we  just broke  up  right in front   of our   baby girl I got  this  ring  for  our  dinner  but  then  this  had  to ruin it  but I guess I can  do  it  right now  "

"do  what" my  dad kisses her  on the  lips  then she kisses him  back   he  gets on  one   knee  then  open   a box  that has a  ring  on it "babe i-"

"I had   been  a not good   husband  to you and   not a  good  dad I want  us to  start ver again  will  you  give me  the honor and  be  forever and  will  you remarry me?"

"yes  yes I will " he  puts it on  then  they  both   hug and then kisses and everyone  clap

"yay  we are  all   happy  now"

my  parents and I hug   then  the  nurse  gives me   my favorite jello "where are my   strawberry and mint  jello  ?"

"well  my  son  had  eaten all  of them "

"but I just  brought    them an in a week "

"girl  I'll  buy  you  more  when I get paid  more  win-win "

"Nah, is  that lime and   green  lime ?"

"yes  it's  all   yours  sam"



"yeah   thanks  your  the best "

"you're the  best"

"Just  promise me   that  the   strawberry and lime  cupcakes    that   company is   good  cause  if it's not then  I'll  make  it   good "

"I'll  promise  you  over my -" that  is when my heart   stops  beating  and I start  having a  seizure   

23 hours later 

23  hours  later  my   eyes open   and I breathe  out fire and  ice  then  the  next I stand  with   pale  white  skin    with white and   orange   hair with  my hands    with   ice   coming  out  my hands and  fire  coming  out  on the  other   hand  "mal" I look  at my  mom   to see her    scared 

"bye mommy"  that is when  i  shoot  the  glass   then  leave  i  cant  believe  i have  powers  now  but I'm also   really   scared i might  end up  hurting  people 

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