Chapter 1: From ANBU to Co-Sensei.... That's the life -_-'"

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Okidoki! Chapter 1 is uppp!!! 

I'm really hoping you all like it!! Please feel free to comment... I LOVE feedback! I haven't watched/read the first episode/chapter in a while so somethings may be wrong. Please let me know so I can fix them!


Onward to the storry!!!!


Chapter 1

" Akemi the Hokage requests you" An fellow ANBU said using a jutsu to apear infront of me.

I nodded smiling " Thank Yuhiko" before doing my own teleportation jutsu to go into the Hokage's office. " You called Hokage sama?" I asked pulling down my ANBU mask.

" Yes, Akemi I have desided to take you off of the ANBU and put you as a Co-Sensei for the new genins" He said calmly.

I stared at him try to keep my temper. " E-excuse me?" I aske hoping I heard wrong.

" You heard me Akemi." He said

" W-why? I.... I haven't done anything!" I said taking deep breaths.

" I have desided it would be better for you. You need some away time from all the high class missions. Taking care of genins will be good for you!" he said smiling sadly.

I shook my head knowing it wasn't because of the missions that it was because of my clans slaughter and my teams death." B-But your taking away all I have left!" I screamed hot angry tears rolling down my face.

'' No I'm simply giving you more.." He said calmy.

" But...... I-" I started

" Enough Akemi! You are to be a Co- Sensei on team 7 and that is final! And I expect you to treat the team kindly and protect them." he said his voice kind but stern.

I looked down my fist to my sides shaking angerly. " Yes Hokage-Sama." I said before doing a few hands signs and apearing in a seclued training area.

" Oh Yuhi,Hoga, Ai what the hell am I going to do with a group of genin?!?" I thought laying on the grass looking up at the sky, memories of my last mission with my ANBU squad memories of me not being able to protect them memories of my clan of how I got there to late to save them. My body shook as I cried my shoulders shaking.

" Umm.. A-are you ok miss?" A voice said from behind me.

I looked back to see a small boy with spikey blond hair and what looked like whisker marks on his cheeks standing a few feet away from me looking at me with worry.

I gave him a small smile getting up from my pool of self pity. " Hi kid! I'm fine.. Just a little... I'm fine! Thanks for asking though!" I said smiling at him. " Whats you name?" 

" My names Uzumaki Naruto and I'm gonna be the next Hokage Believe it!" He said grinning at me and giving me a  thumbs up.

I giggled hes so friking adorable!! " I'm Tanaka Akemi. Nice to meet you Naruto" 

He smiled " Nice to meet you to." 

" Well I have to go talk to the Hokage See you later Naruto" I said waving before apearing insid eof the Hokages office.

" Hokage-Sama." I said bowing 

" Ahh Akemi what can I help you with?" he asked 

" After my team becomes Chunnin or after the Chunnin exams can I be placed back onto the ANBU?" I asked getting straight to the point.

He seemed to think hard before answering. " I don't see why not, but we'll have to see then." He said choosing is words.

I nodded " Thank you" 

He smiled " Ofcourse Akemi" 

I sighed as I came into my apartment everything was in it's place. I sighed looking at the pictures of my old team. Unlike most ANBU team's mine was extreamly close willing to put the mission in danger in order to save eachother. When they didn't come back with me a part of me died. I wasn't as cheerful anymore, but I moved passed it promising my self never to let anything like that happen again. Then my whole clan was Mascard my parents and sibling included, that was the worst day of my life. Comming home expecting welcoming arms of my mother and instead finding her and my father dead on the floor my little sister not far away from them. I still pushed foward knowing not to dawn on the past making sure to keep my parents wise words living on and helping others like they would have wanted. 

" I have to keep their wishes and hopes alive.... " was my last thought before I drifted into my worst nightmare.

~~~~~~NEXT DAY~~~~~~~~~

I shot up sweat dripping down my face that effin dream again, well tecnicly it wasn't a dream it was a memory. Shaking my head getting the images out of my head I sleeply walked into my bath room letting the hot water sooth my aching musles.

 I stared at my reflection after drying and dressing. I had on simple ninja clothing. A black tank top that went to my belly button my ANBU tatoo on my right hip bone, A pair of black ninja shorts that went to right before mid thigh with netting covering from the bottom of my shorts to just under my knee on my right leg and from the bottom of my knee to my ankle on my left, I had on regular black ninja sandles and my headband tied on my waist as a belt, the only color in my whole out fit was my hair and I liked it that way.

I sighed remembering I had to meet the new genin team today. " What a drag!" I groaned before pausing and giggling. " I sounded like Shikaku Nara hehehehe" I shook my head at my own weirdness walking out of the door to the academy. I walked up to the door where my team was behind noticing a chalk board eraser wedged into the top of the door. I sweat dropped at the obvious prank. " Hmmm should I humor them or show off?" I asked my self. 

" You must be Akemi"  a voice said behind me. I swiftly turn't around kunai in hand ready to attack at any moment. " H-hey! No need for hostility! My names Hatake Kakashi. The Hokage told me you where going to Co-Sensei me." said a man with silver gravity defying hair, a mask covering half of his face, and his headband covering his left eye.

" Oh sorry about that!" I said smiling scratching the back of my head. ' Bad Akemi! Your suppose to be mean!' I lectured my self in my head. 

"-EMI!" I heard snapping me back into reality away from my mental lecture.

" Oh... hi..." I said looking up at Kakashi.

He sweat dropped. " As I was saying... Would you like the honor of humoring our student's?" He asked gesturing to the chalk board eraser.

I shook my head. " I'm afraid the white of the chalk would oh so clash with my hair... I must give you the honor instead." I smirked.

He sighed steping in leting the eraser hit his head. " My first impression of you...... I hate you." He said.

I covered my mouth trying to supress the laugh from breaking threw. ' Oh Em Gee!!' I mentally yelled laughing at their faces. 

" Ahahaha!! You fell for it!!" A familar voice laughed.

The kid from the feild was lying on the floor laughing and pointing to Kakashi. " Sup kid!" I said flashing him a smile and peace sign. ' There you go again being all nice again' my mind scoled.

" YOU!!!" he yelled pointing.

" Up to the roof so we can do introductions." Kakashi instructed using teleportation jutsu to get there faster, me right behind him.

" You know the blond?" he ask me.

" Not really just met him in a training feild" I explained.

He nodded.

The rest of the group came up and took their seats. " Ok so introduce you selfs" Kakashi said. I rolled my eyes already missing my ANBU life.





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