When I woke up it was already 11 am. There was a thunder storm going on."Guess I'm not going on my morning walk" I said
"Y/n get down here, Jessie has a surprise for you!" Kevin yelled
"Ok... Should I be scared?"I asked
"I don't know she wont tell me-" Kevin responded
"Y/N COME ON!"Jessie called
I got up and chose my outfit(outfit at the top), I Tied my long golden locks into a messy bun, put on my clear blue light glasses, grabbed socks, brushed my teeth, and put on my black boots. I made sure to grab my bag which consisted of my keys, wallet, earbuds, chap stick, tiny notebook, a travel makeup kit, and emergency supplies.
We got into Jessie's car and she blind folded me.
"Why did you blind fold me?" I asked
" Because its gonna be a surprise." Jessie answered
After what felt for hours we parked and Jessie took of my blind fold. It was a... cafe? I'm not to sure but it wasn't raining anymore. We walked inside and that's when I saw...
GUESS WHAT... I'M BACK! But hehe cliff hanger. Anyways I don't know when ill update again. 202 words.

The Affair (teletubbies x reader)
FanfictionY/n is in love with the teletubbies but cant just love one. They go on to have an affair with all of them. date started:8/22/21 date finished:3/11/23