Chapter One

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Sorry if [name] isn't like you, however, I don't know your personality so 🤷‍♀️
Let's just get into the story you motherfuckers.

(I'm not writing smut, IM UDERAGED-)

[name] woke up at 5:30. 'Wtf, it's already morning?' [name] thought as they tried to get up from bed. [name] had decided that staying in bed a little longer wouldn't hurt, considering there's nothing exciting going on in their college. [name] didn't exactly have a good relationship with her parents, they had forced her to go to college to become a doctor. What they truly wanted to do was be a animator and artist. (Sorry to all you people who don't like drawing)

A few minutes had passed. Wait, WTF!? [name] had realized 4 hours had already passed since they've gone on TikTok. 'DAMNIT DAMNNIT' they thought as they hurried to get ready and get to their classes. This is they're outfit (pretty casual):

(Bad quality be like):

Moving on, [name] rushed out their dorm, leaving it messy and dirty. While they ran through college, trying to get to their class as fast as possible, they accidentally bumped into someone's shoulder. [name] got up and brushed herself.

"OMG I AM SO SORRY" [name] apologized to the person that she had made contact with. The person responded, "It's fine, really. Um, why are you in a rush?" [Name] replied to the brown, short, messy haired girl saying, "Oh, I kinda got carried away with my phone.. and now I'm late." The girl, laughed. "HAHA! That's unfortunate for you. Well, I don't want to waste your time. However, what class are you going to?" [Name] told the girl that they were going to class 554. The girl in front of her was shocked and said, "That's my class! Yay, we are in the same class together :)" [name] realized they were wasting too much time and waved the girl goodbye. The girl went on with her day.

'What a coincidence, she's in my class.' [name] thought as she walked into her class. The professor, Cratzer, looked at her is said, "Miss [Name], please do not be late again. I will let you get away with being late this time, take a seat and take out your workbook and papers I gave you yesterday." [Name] said to the professor, "Yes sir." While sitting down in their desk. They took out all of their materials they needed for class and started listening to the professor. Except, they didn't. The lecture was SOO goddamn boring. [Name] just stared at her supplies. They were so fucking bored, I mean the lecture was boring, they already understood it, and wanted to get out of here already. College was hell however the people there weren't that bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2021 ⏰

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