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Villainess Wants To Turn Over A New Leaf Chapter 46: | 【46】
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The queen mother's return to the palace is another big event for the harem.

Although the current empress dowager does not intervene in the affairs of the harem and rarely stays in the palace, after all, she is the emperor's mother and has no less power than the queen. Some concubines had no way in front of the emperor, so they would go to the front of the mother to find their presence.

If you can be loved by the Queen Mother, even if you don't have a holy favorite, you can still be considered a guarantee in this deep palace.

And don’t look at the Queen Mother, although she doesn’t care much, but if there is an unresolved case in front of her, she will still come forward to solve it. The methods are very powerful and awesome.

But if you say that there are a few people in this palace who really like the queen mother, that’s not necessarily true.

After all, she was the last champion of the palace fight, not a good person. She could not remember how many lives and blood she had in her hands.

People in the royal family have endless wealth and power, but they can never enjoy the affection and warmth that ordinary people have.

In her later years, the empress dowager worshipped Buddha. When she was old, she began to feel fear and guilt when she recalled all the things in the past. Buddhism in particular pays attention to karma, and the queen mother is always worried that she will go to **** after death.

When Lin Di had just taken the throne, she actually intentionally stayed in the harem to help. After all, she knows what kind of storms and waves these women can bring out. With her in charge, the concubines will always be safer.

But it was probably the emperor who had enthroned her greatest wish. As soon as she relaxed, she began to dream of the people who died at her own hands that year. They couldn't sleep at night, which was frightening.

Finally, after listening to the advice of the eminent monk, she cruelly moved directly to Wutai Mountain where the Great Buddha was seated. She didn't know if it was really useful or for psychological reasons. She really stopped having nightmares, so she gradually settled down in Wutai Mountain and devoted herself to paying homage to the sins.

She was born beautiful when she was young, and she was a very unassuming beauty. Now that she is old, her skin is slack, and her facial features look very prominent, especially her cheekbones are high, showing a bit harsh and sharp appearance, which makes people feel scared at first sight .

The queen mother remembered that she scared and cried her little grandson. She cried as soon as she hugged her, which made the concubines panic.

Later, the grandchildren gradually grew up. Although they stopped crying, they were respectful and in awe in front of her. They were not close to her at all.

It seems that this is also her life, old age can not enjoy the happiness of children and grandchildren.

But for so many years with the ancient Buddha of the blue lantern, the queen mother also looked away, but didn't take it to heart. After a long journey, I finally returned to the long-lost palace.

Lin Di naturally brought a group of concubines and princes and princesses to greet him. When the queen mother got out of the chariot, she glanced casually and found that her grandchildren had grown a lot taller.

It's just that the eldest little girl stood next to the fourth and prince. She was the shortest of all children, with two tugging sticks on top of her head, and she was secretly looking at her with a pair of clever eyes.

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