Chapter 1: "I'm Kapi!"

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A/N: Hi! I was finally able to rewrite this chapter, hope you like it! :D


It was 6PM and you were scrolling through Readit. You have been doing it for quite a while now, since you had nothing else to do because your computer where you usually play DDR with your pad was broken, and you brought it to a technician three days ago.

"Man, I wanna play DDR so bad." you said. And conveniently, you got an advert on Readit saying that there was a showdown of the best DDR player in the world against Keith, who is a famous rapper (and also your friend), happening in an arcade.

You decided to head over to the arcade not only because your friend was going to be there, but also because there should be various DDR machines around there, and you really wanted to play some DDR.

--You arrived at the arcade at 8:06PM--

When you arrived at the arcade, you immediately realized you were late, since there already was a big crowd inside the arcade, and you already heard your friend's really high-pitched voice.

When you headed inside, you tried your best to get inside the crowd to see better, but all you could see was Cherry on the speakers.

Right after you finally entered the crowd, you heard the song finish. You then saw Keith on the right side as always, and to the left you saw a... wolf? Or was it a cat? They looked more like a cat, but you were not sure. But something you were sure about is that they looked cute.

Cat: My dance-pad took quite the damage.

Cat: I should probably cool down quite a little.

Cherry: This is entertaining!

Cat: There's a lot more people...

Cat: And the arcade is closing soon.

Keith: How about one more song, Kapi?

Kapi: Uh, alright! Hopefully I can impress her this time.

Kapi: Let's settle this; No holding back!

When "Kapi" started playing, you got amazed, since you didn't expect him to be that good.


Y/N: [Huh, "Kapi". That's a really cool name.]

Every time it was "Kapi"s turn, you got amazed more, as well as the rest, since "Kapi" was really "not holding back" as he said.

When they finished, you cheered them both, as well as everyone else, something that wasn't normal. Though it also wasn't normal for Keith to actually have a challenge. And then, Kapi's dance-pad made some electric noises, and he looked at the crowd with an expression that looked like he was about to say "Oh, not again". Aaaaand...

The lights went out.

And they were back 3 minutes later! Just because of that, the owner of the arcade said that they were going to change the time when they close from 8:30PM to 9:00PM! [Huh, more time to play DDR I guess] you thought.

When everyone dispersed (including Kapi, though you didn't see him leave), you went to talk with Keith.

Keith: Hi Y/N!

Y/N: Hi Keith! You had a hard time up there, huh?

Keith: Yeah, the guy made it really hard!

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