Chapter One

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My head throbbed, as you got wasted the night before with Alice and Joan.
I hesitantly lifted my head and it hurt more. I shared a cabin with Ziggy, as I focused to my surroundings more, she wasn't placed in her bed, as she always slept till at least 12pm. But I guess not today.

I changed into ripped jean shorts, and a polo shirt Cindy had bought me a couple months ago while shopping with Tommy.
I know it may seem a little unexpected, but i've liked Tommy ever since camp started.. i know! I know, im a camper and he's a counsler but.. he just stood out to me like no other.

I walked out to see Sheila and her stupid ass friends circling around the tree Sarah Fier was supposedly hung at for witch craft or some shit.
I then saw Sheila digging through Ziggy's pockets, as if looking for something in desperate need of.
I walked up behind Sheila,
"What the hell are you doing asshole." I say looking her up and down
She scoffed, as she pulled out twenty bucks.
"Hmm, what do we have here?" Sheila said pacing back and forth by Ziggy.
I stood there in silence
"God damn theif!" Will said scrunching his eyebrows
"No no! She's not a theif...," Me and Ziggy looked at eachother, exchanging looks
"She's possesed, by the witch. Only way to explain her physco behavior!"
"Fuck you!" Ziggy said elbowing Sheila's face, causing her nose to bleed.
The silence grew louder,
"You do know, Sarah Fier was hung at this very tree... right?" Sheila said
Her friends all looked at her concerened saying things like, Sheila don't do that or some stupid shit, she surely wasn't going to follow.
She grabbed a lighter and Ziggy's faced tightened as the fire hit her skin.
"Hey! Put her down!" Nick said, as Tommy followed behind him.
"Shit. Will, isn't that your brother?" Sheila said.
"Let her down.. LET HER DOWN!" Nick yelled.
Will unravled the rope, leading to Ziggy falling and quickly picking herself up.
"Shit, are you okay?" I say lookibg at the burn mark on her under-arm.
"Y/n, what the fuck are you doing here," Tommy said almost angrily.
"You could've done something, atleast yell for help!"
I felt embarressed for not doing anything, I then trailed off back in me and Ziggy's cabin.
I felt stupid. My crush just yelled at me, plus why do I even like him, he has a perfect virgin girlfriend that everyone knows he'd literally never break up with.
I sat at the edge of my bed, shuffling my feet waiting for Ziggy to open the door and tell me how she got dragged into all of this.
*knock knock knock*
Ziggy wouldn't knock, I know that for sure, she' d walk in and slam herself onto her bed.
"Go away Nick, I don't need your petty bullshit!" I said still sitting the exact position I was in.
The cabin door opens and a low, soft voice reaches from the door way
"Uhm,  it's not Nick? I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier, it's just my job, I didn't really have a choice but to encourage you to do the right thing."
I turned my head frantically, only to see a tall figure.
Thomas Slater.
"Two things.. one, get out. Two, where is Ziggy!"
"Nurse Lane's. She's been there for a while n-" Tommy got pushed, by...
"ZIGGY! Oh, finally! Are you okay, i'm so sorry. I feel like an asshole." I get up and hug her tight, being careful of the carefully wrapped, burn mark.
"Tommy? What are you doing here, shouldn't you be making out with Cindy by your go-to spot?" Ziggy says separating from me.
"SHIT, I forgot all about Cindy, she's waiting for me at the lake!" Tommy then slams the door. He ran to the lake where they had a cute set of food and drinks.
Like a picnic. I wish that was me..
But Cindy deserves it, she's so sweet and kind. She's really pretty too.
I sighed, sadly as I layed on my bed facing the ceiling.
"Someone has a crush!!" Ziggy says jumping on my bed causing me to lightly lift.
"What- n-no I dont!!!" I say facing the other way, where Ziggy couldn't see my face
All of the sudden, faint yelling occured coming from the lake.. it sounded like Cindy.
I then peered through the window, only to see... Tommy crying and Cindy boiling over, for what seems like no reason, and then what I heard next made my heart skip a beat, not in a good way by the way
"We're done! I'm done with you!!" Cindy ran away from Tommy, cupping her face.
I knew she was crying, but so was Tommy.
I felt bad, but I knew if I went to comfort Tommy, I would look like such a bad person.
Cindy barged in, hugging Ziggy which you never see because in Cindy's free time, when she's not with Tommy, their always somewhere arguing about some stupid shit!
She then hugged me, but hesitantly, almost as if, their break up had something to do with me, not trying to make it about me, but it just seemed sketchy that she was sketchy about a hug.

She cryed more releasing me.
The next words that trembled out of her mouth, shocked me,
"Y/n I don't even know why I hugged you! But congrats," she says pausing and taking a long breath.
I look at her confused.
"Thomas fucking Slater likes you."

That's Chapter One! Sorry if it's short!!
Chapter Two will be out sooner or later 🤷‍♀ lol

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