Noona is Sick!!!

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Hania POV:-
I sat on sofa and plugged in my earbuds and started listening to levitating.(👆 The song is up there.) After sometime mumma asked me to come and have dinner. I took off earbuds sat on dining table.
Mumma- Are you okay. You are looking pale.
Hania- Hmm. Just a little bit sickness.
Mumma- What are feeling??
Hania- Umm just like vomiting, feeling dizzy and my head is hurting like hell.
Mumma- 'gasp' These are symptoms are of pregnancy.
Hania- 'fake gasp' These are symptoms of pregnancy.
I said copying her.
Hania- Are you a doctor or what?? And anyways it can't be possible cause I am on my period.
Mumma- Hmm. Have you had 'it' with someone yet?
Hania- Umhm i am a virgin.
I said casually eating food. Not knowing that there are 8 people who are totally shocked seeing us a mother and daughter talking so casually about anything.

We were shocked same goes with dad. How can a mother and daughter so casually talk about those things. Noona said without looking up from her plate while eating food.
Hania- Don't be shocked. We are like this only. You should always have a type of relationship with your parents that you can tell them the things that you can't tell anyone. Mumma is just like a friend to me.
Mumma- Yah you i am not just a friend i am your best friend.
Mom said while making pout.
Hania- Nope, you are mah bestie.
We all laughed. And continued eating.

Hania POV:-
We were eating peacefully until jin and jungkook started bickering because jungkook teased jin because of his age. And it was not helping me at all with my headache right now. I am trying to control my anger right now by holding the fork really tight and my eyes are getting dark because of anger. I said in a calm tone.
Hania- Guys stop!!
They didn't listen to me i called them 3 times the they didn't budge. They were standing infront of each other there was only a little bit of distance between them. I got up took a fork and again sat down after that i threw the fork. The fork went from the middle of their faces while touching there noses a little. I said in dangerous voice.
Hania- I don't want any type of bickering's on the dining table next time or next time the aim will be your head. Now sit and eat.
They quickly sat down. But everyone was shivering because of the thing that happened right now. After sometime i went to my room and slept.

Noona's aura totally changed when she was talking. It was a dark aura which was giving us shivers. Sometime she was done eating. Without saying anything she got up from her seat and went to her room. We all also went to our room and slept.

Next Morning

Hania POV:-
I woke up it was 6:00. I took a quick shower and wore this:-

 I took a quick shower and wore this:-

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