ᴍᴇᴍᴏʀʏ #𝟸

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The dorm that night was quiet, every 2-A students are in their respective rooms already, doing their own night chores before going to sleep. All of them getting ready except for two people.

Katsuki looked at his phone. It was quite obvious that he was expecting something to happen towards his phone. His eyes never leaving the phone, only moving when there is a notification he well get. He was like that until the phone in his hands rang. Instantly without looking who was the caller he picked it up.

"Bro! Wanna hang out tonight at my dorm? Me, Sero and Denki will gonna have bros night! And of course, you're invited!"

A silent grumble was heard from the blonde male, obviously getting disappointed that Kirishima was the one who called him. He was expecting someone.

He didn't answered right away but he just let out a loud sigh, "Yeah, fucking whatever." He said, Kirishima on the other line expresses his gladness, telling Katsuki to arrived before eighth pm.

After that call Katsuki instantly ended the call, his phone locked but before the screen was off the time was shown to him. It was 7:35 already. With another loud sigh he stood up and got to his wardrobe to get a new black sando.

He took it off and wore the new one, but he got startled when he heard someone knocking at his door. He was confused at first, thinking who the fuck would knock at his door at freaking seven pm but a certain someone crossed his mind, immediately going at the door to swing it open.

But he was greatly disappointed that he saw no one. Not even Y/n, the one he was expecting since yesterday to reach out to him.

With a defeated stance he was about to go back to his room to get his phone and go to his way, when he notice a small brown box on the floor in front of his front door.

He glared at it and picked it up, he opened it and he almost throw it away from him when he got to look what was inside.

Inside was a picture of him.

With a huge red marker that desperately trying to erase his face from the picture.

He glared at it more hardly, thinking intensely who would do this to him. Deep down inside he felt himself getting angry yet alarmed, he looked left and right to the hallways but no one was there. Only silence.

He aggressively pick up the piece of picture, wanting to only tear down the picture pieces by pieces.

But before he do that he flipped it to look at the back, and his eyes got wider. His red intense eyes slightly shaking, not knowing if it's out of anger or fear.

Because at the back of the picture it said:

Stay away from my Y/n.

This is a warning, Katsuki.

Reading it again and again, endless thoughts coming in and out through his mind.

For the first time in a while, Katsuki that night felt fear once again. Not for himself but for Y/n.


As he closed the door behind him, he plopped at his floor. His heartbeat inside of him was beating louder, he never felt more alive than this.

He ran to his room after he left the box outside of Katsuki, being careful not to get caught by anyone and especially the male.

After he calmed down, a sinister smile adorn his lips before letting out a chuckle and in the end turning into a contagious laugh.

He found this funny.

The thought of Katsuki getting furious or if he succeeded it, the thought of getting Katsuki felt fear is a hilarious thought for him. He imagined what would the male look like if he will saw the picture and of course the little threat he added at the back.

He found this hilarious.

Because he knew that after this the plan that he wanted to do will smoothly be done. Of course if something was not in the plan then he will do whatever it takes to fix it.

Even if it cost something or someone.

He stood up, he stopped laughing but a happy tune that he was humming overtook the room. Walking happily at his desk table, in there it sat his notebook.

He read it before opening it and write a new entry, a sinister smile adorning his lips once again.

"Let me write a new entry, Notebook-san," Izuku said as he sat down and got his all might themed pen. His favorite pen that Y/n gave him.



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