His Lips are racing

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Hey guys, this is my first story on here so nothimg to harsh please. I will accept comments, but hurtful ones will be ignored. Also, please know that I'm a bad speller so if I mess up you have every right to correct me. Anyway, on with the story!

It was cold. I was cold. It was dark, and I couldn't see. I couldn't move, it hurt to much to try. There was no one but me in the darkness. At least, no one that I could see. The truth hit me hard and, for the first time I could remember, I felt somthing. I felt alone, and afraid.

Then I heard it. A soft sound. It was quiet, almost angle like. A voice. That's what it was. The voice was tender and hesitant, almost as if it was just as afraid as I was. But afraid of what? Was it in the darkness too? No, I would have seen it. Wait, no, I would have seen him. The voice was a boy.

"Hey," the boy said sadly, as if he was almost in tears," Hey get up."

My thoughts froze. I've heard that voice before, I know I have. But where? I tried thinking back, as soon as I did, a sharp pain shot through me. It was like my mind was a blank canvase, without color and life. I tried again, but the pain came back, twice as hard as before. This time a low moan escaped my lips. I heard a gasp, and the boy's voice, more hopeful then before.

" Trixie? Trixie, can you hear me? Come on! Get up! At least open your eyes! Please!" The boy was pleading now, and I could bearly understand him. He was talking too fast. He seemed panicked, and worried. I wish I could see him, let him know that I was alright, and that he could calm dowm before he creaked his tea cup, but I couldn't. I didn't know how.

"Come on Trixie, focus! Please come back!" he was shouting now,"Please,come back! Come back to, m..me....please..."

The last part he said barley above a whisper, but I heard it. I heard it loud and clear. Those few simple words made my stomache tighten and my heart flutter. I felt a surge of comfort and courage replace what was left of my fear. I ignored the pain that was arising and forced my eyes to open.

The dark vanished and light flooded my world. It was almost too bright. Then it softened and I expearienced somthing I knew I could never live without: color.

The first color, blue. I was staring at an endless canvase covered in a light blue. The sky? Yeah, thats's it. I was staring at the sky. Spots of whispy white and feathery black came into veiw next. Clouds and birds. No, they were ravens, not just birds.

"Trixie? Thank goodness your awake! I almost went completly mad!"

The voice shouted almost right next to my ear. I winced and slowly turned my head, and my breath caught in my throat.

The boy was an angel. Black hair with light gray streaks, blue crystal eyes, and a mouth twisted in the biggest grin I have ever seen. I hope his face doesn't start to hurt, it might cause his grin to fall off. I could imagine it. The grin falling right off his face and running away. I could see the boy runing after it, muffled sounds the only thing he could make.

I smiled at the idea, bearly keeping back my laughter.

"Hey, what's so funny?" the boy asked, his smile never wavering. In fact, it only got bigger, and I couldn't keep it in anymore. I laughed. I laughed so hard I thought my mouth was going to fall off. That only made me laugh harder. The image of both of us runnig all over the place trying to catch our lose lips racing across my mind.

The boy looked at me with confustion, then started giggling. The giggle quickly turned into somthing more, and pretty soon we were both laughing like mad men. I don't know why I was so comfortable with this boy, but I did know one thing.

I never wanted to leave his side.

So, that wraps up chapter one. What do you guys think? Should I continue? I mean, I'm going to, but you guys are important to me, and I want to know what you think.

......Goodness, I sound like my old boyfriend, "I want to know what you think sweetie. Do you think i'm hot?

...........My love life sucks........

Riddle for today: Scientists have proven that cats have more hair on one side then their other side. Some people believe that this is because when cats lay on their side they need insulation from the cold on the floor or ground. Which side of a cat has more hair?

First person to get it right gets a shought out next chapter!

Anyway, good bye my loves! I will update soon, I give my word!

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