Cyalm x Reader, General HCs

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Art Creds : N/A
Requested by : darlafancookie
Note; these HCs are done throughout friendship / pre-end-game, but feel free to take it in a romantic or platonic sense! The feelings aren't confirmed.
CW: Vague Spoilers, Hinting at Spoilers, Etc. Nothing is specifically mentioned, just hinted at!

- During your journeys throughout the adventure emporium and the realms- you had, of course, met Cyalm.  Seeing as he was the very first Point you met, I think it'd be pretty hard to have not met him, yk? (/j)
- So, each time you went through the Sky Emporium, you'd make sure to give him a small greeting— every time. You'd take a moment to pause and chat to him.
- At first, he'd usually dismiss these conversations early on, since you had a 'job to do'. But, eventually, he began to warm up to them a bit— and would stop shooing you off so quick.
- This would eventually progress into you taking little breaks, decently lengthy ones, to just.. sit down and chat with him. During your escapades, you didn't exactly take a lot of breaks— so when you did, you, most of the time, decided to do it with him.
- This eventually lead to him proposing tea parties with you.
- You— weren't even sure if he had a mouth, but accepted the proposition anyways. And, a bit after that conversation, he had a tiny little tea set that.. mysteriously worked without a burner.
- You quickly learned that he enjoyed tea. You'd maybe get through a cup or two through your break, but for each cup you drank— he had likely already drank three.
- He did savour the tea, don't get me wrong, but he'd sip at it far more than you did.
- .. you also weren't sure how he was sipping it. Like— he'd just.. place the rim of the cup to his face, and the liquid would- mysteriously disappear, without a trace of a mouth. Maybe he was just absorbing it-?
- You both eventually came to call these little hangouts 'tea time'.

- Throughout your little 'tea times', you had come to learn Cyalm was a decently good listener. He never seemed to- exactly look away from you when you were speaking, just silently staring until you concluded— to which he'd make a comment.
- You saw him do the same to others, as well, so it did just seem to be a quirk of his. Like.. maintaining polite eye contact, even though you have no eyes.
- You also came to learn he never really did put much expression into his tone of voice. You had originally thought that, maybe, he just didn't in most cases— but would in conversation; that didn't seem to be the case.
- His body language seemed to be a different case, though, as he'd constantly do small quirks depending on his mood— or the current subject. If something upset him, he'd be visibly more tense; if something irritated him, he'd begin to tap something— quite quickly. When calm and happy, he'd seem to, ever so slightly, sway in place— at least when standing up.
- You also noticed the.. intensity of the clouds that followed him around would shift to these changes as well. If upset, they'd grow a bit darker; if confused, thicker. If he was upset, they'd grow a bit more mist like, too. Though the shift in the clouds were very, very small— they still did warble about a bit.

- Throughout your time with Cyalm, you soon began to call him a friend— and you, at least hoped, he considered you the same.
- He must've at least liked you, right? He did seem.. oddly fascinated with you, for some reason?
- Which was another thing you noticed— he seemed to have a fascination with people, how they worked, what made them tick, etc., etc.
- He seemed to view people almost like.. puzzles to figure out, though you assumed it was likely not in a malicious fashion— just.. curiosity? Probably a want to understand?
- Either way, this fascination led him to sort of.. analyze you? Which you began to notice. He'd keep oddly good detail and note on things you said, no matter how small.
- He knew you quite well, and you felt like you knew him in a similar fashion— or at least you hoped.
- To you, he was some generally calm, wise seeming, tea drinking.. friend. He was a friend to you, and he seemed to consider you the same.
- So, you went along merrily— you trusted him, and it seems he trusted you. You did notice he.. seemed to- value you a bit higher than the other Points, later on, but— to be fair— when picking between a stranger and a friend, you'd pick the friend, right? So this didn't seem alarming or anything to you, it had no reason to be— other than him.. being a biiiit aggressive to the other Points sometimes via it.
- And that's how it went, that's how all of it went— at least up until.. the end of it.

A/N : MAN I hope this was good HEJSKF— I'm unsure if I'm good at writing Cyalm- but I hope this suffices anyways!!

(August 25th, 2021)
(838 Word Count, 873 Words in Total)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2021 ⏰

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