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Chapter 7

Half of the day had passed Lila sat together with Kagami and Nathaniel's mother on the couch of her living room speaking all with each other. Around them were Ivan, Luka, Carlo, Adrien and Kim taking part in the conversation with the girls.

"It's strange," Said Kim. "I know he could probably run away if I had told him to dance with the party girls I had asked to come. But he just hid inside Luka's room the whole time and left in the end along with Ivan.

"Yeah I rode him home and I saw him entering into his house"

"He was present in the morning Ivan," Told Mrs. Kurtzberg. "Just as Carlo went with him to drink something, he disappeared"

"Are you sure you haven't seen Nathaniel somewhere else after we left?" Asked Adrien looking at the brunette Italian.

"I already said, what I had to say. No, I just saw him going into the restrooms and then never again" Said Carlo a bit tense.

"Are you sure?" Asked the blonde. "You seem like you know something we don't"

"Are you Frenchmen always this mistrustful?" Asked Carlo. "Just because I'm not from France like you all?"

"No one is being racist to you Carlo," Said Kagami. "It's just weird, that Nathaniel was with you, then you lost him somehow"

"I'm sorry, that I couldn't pay better attention to him" Exclaimed Carlo. "Maybe you could have told me before, he wasn't a real man like I expected him to be"

"What do you mean by not a real man?" Asked Mrs Kurtzberg bewildered.

"About.....about his nervousness from the wedding day"

"You offered him to drink a tea, cause it would calm him down. He wasn't being a baby. He was feeling like almost everyone would be on their wedding day" The Japanese girl told the Italian man.

"Maybe you're right," Said Carlo sitting down between Lila and Kagami. "I never experienced a wedding, so I can't say how I'd feel on that day"

"Yeah..." Said Kagami questioningly.

"What would you do, if Nathaniel actually had ran away from the life he was going to start with you?" Asked Carlo looking at the brunette.

"Nothing, he's still here somewhere, we just don't know where," Said Lila making Luka wide his eyes and think on the last day when he saw a person similar to Carlo putting the legs of a red-headed man into the trunk of a vehicle.

"You know there are other guys, that are way better, than Nathaniel. Don't you think?" Asked Carlo walking with his fingers behind Lila's back, irritating her a bit.

"Stop this Carlo!" Demanded Lila a bit angry. "I'm suffering from his loss like everyone here and you're not being really helpful in anything"

"Sorry Lila, I was trying to make you feel better"

"Then do it in another way" Ordered Lila and Carlo placed his hand on Lila's shoulder.

"Sure" Responded Carlo getting slapped on the face by Lila.

"Lila!" Yelled Kagami as her friend did that to Carlo.

"And get your hands off me" Exclaimed Lila angrily at the guy.

"I think it's better you would leave her" Suggested Mrs. Kurtzberg. "She's still shattered with Nathaniel's disappearance"

"Maybe I should go" Said Carlo passing by the guys, then Luka stood in front of Carlo.

"Hey that black car of yours, it looks really cool, what brand is it?" Asked Luka the Italian man.

"A VW, what else" Responded Carlo passing by the raven-haired man.

"I just find it looks amazing you know"

"You have to say that the car rental service," Told Carlo walking at the exit. "I'll be gone, if I'm needed, just call me," Said Carlo walking out of the room, closing the door behind him.

"What's so interesting in his car?" Asked Kim. "I see those cars every day"

"I didn't want to say anything in front of him, but I saw Carlo pushing a redhead into the trunk of a black car and the guy looked like Nathaniel. But it was far away, I couldn't recognize him"

"Could Carlo have anything to do with his disappearance?" Asked Kim.

"He's acting strange, when we ask him anything about Nathaniel or what Nathaniel did the last time he saw him"

"And he avoids the thoughts of Nathaniel being disappeared mysteriously, but saying he could have dumped Lila instead?"

"I don't know Nathaniel so good as Lila or his mom, but I could believe Nathaniel could do this, even if it looks too unbelievable," Said Adrien.

"Why is everyone thinking Nathaniel dumped me?!?!" Exclaimed Lila angry at the blonde and Kagami hold Lila back from standing up.

"Shhh calm down Lila" Told the Japanese woman.

"I don't know, but we should call Sabrina's father" Suggested Ivan. "Maybe he can help us with it"

"If necessary we open a process against Carlo, if this all makes sense"

"Luka saw Carlo putting a man inside the car trunk. He was the last one to be with him and claiming to have never seen him again and he quickly gets a bit aggressive, if we ask or suspect him to be the suspect of Nathaniel being gone" Summarized Adrien together.

"What do you say?" Asked Mrs. Kurtzberg looking at her daughter-in-law. "Should we report him?"

"I don't know, he's my friend, but at the same time, I'm starting to dislike his behavior since he arrived here about all this"

"We really should," Said Kim taking out his phone. "I ask Sabrina for her father's phone number, then we see later about the process for him," The Vietnamese said while typing on his smartphone a message for the red-headed woman.

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