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——- playlist ; "beauty & a beat" (Justin Bieber)
Sunoo opened the door to which revealed his aunt, she seemed hesitant to meet his eyes. Sunoo could sense the nervousness, "is there something wrong aunty?"
"S-sunoo there are some things I need to tell you...I need you to take a seat. It's going to be a long one.." Her breath hitched, almost out of air from the anxiousness.
Sunoo nodded, sitting on his couch while his aunt trailed behind him taking a seat as well. I sat next to sunoo, waiting for Aunt Jang to spill whatever she was keeping in.
"I told you I had some news about your parents and I might have found something...huge actually. I don't know how to take this myself and I don't know how you'll take this."
"My parents?! Aunt Jang...please tell me." Sunoo took in both of hands placing them into his, begging her to tell him.
"Alright...I recently went to the detectives office and we found files and dna matching of you and your parents. We found out who they were."
"Who were they Aunt Jang??" I tilt my head to the side, Aunt Jang stared deep into Sunoo's hopeful eyes.
"Kim Soojin and Kyeongseok of SVN mafia..." Jang broke off eye contact with sunoo, trailing her eyes to the ground.
Sunoo felt his heart shatter, "y-you mean my p-parents were mafia leaders w-who are..."
"Dead." A tear slipped down Jang's eyes..."I knew something in you look familiar...but I would've never thought my best friend's son would come in my hands." She sniffled.
Sunoo rose his head up, looking up to aunt Jang with tears. "You knew mom?" His voice cracked.
"She was my everything, I didn't want her involved in the business but she loved your dad. They could've succeed their last mission together, someone took you while you were 1 month years old. You were missing."
"I was searching for you all this time, hoping you were alive but you were in my hands all this time. I couldn't search you because my brother wouldn't let me and after you left I could search the house for anything. I had to deep search...that's when I found something."
"I'm sorry....you're mom would've been so happy to see you doing well if she were here." Jang engulfed Sunoo into her arms. Sunoo burst into tears, not knowing what to do anymore.
"I was searching for nothing...I had hope for nothing, then what was the point of even living?" Sunoo chocked out, I shook my head.
"Ddeonu you're mother would've wanted you to be happy, don't think like that."
Sunoo pulled me into his embrace, I could feel him warm tears hit my shoulder. "Chae...I don't know what to do...there is no body to have hope for."
"I'm sorry...you'll get through it. Your mom is still watching you, she's listening to you sunoo...remember??"
"But she's not here in real life, she's gone. And I never got to meet her or my dad. I never got to even see my dad, hear his voice...his touch, nothing." Sunoo gritted his teeth while angry tears strolled down the side of his cheeks.
"They say...a beautiful soul turns into a butterfly. When you look at one, think of your mom and dad or look at the stars knowing that your mother and father is watching you from above." Aunt Jang caressed his back.
"I want to be alone...both of you. I hope you understand, I'll talk to you later chae. Get home safely." Sunoo bitterly looked over to me before slamming the door shut.
The thoughts came back rushing into his head, he thought of it again. Those 4 words that hasn't hit his brain since the day his dad hurt him when he missed a key while playing a piece.