Twelve - Mystic Grill

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Twelve – Mystic Grill

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Twelve – Mystic Grill

Damon, Melina, and Katherine all sat in Alaric's living room as Klaus in Alaric's body was sifting through the closet. It wasn't a big surprise that he had come, Melina didn't care all that much knowing he wouldn't kill her... probably.

Katherine was slightly shaking in fear of seeing the man she ran from her entire life. Klaus was clearly enjoying the fear radiating off her even though he didn't know what to do with her yet. He decides that if she ever betrays him again, she'll experience torture like no other. But just because he decided that doesn't mean that he can't have fun with her fear now.

Melina sat next to her looking at the man strangely, interested. She had officially met the man she was helping an hour ago and he already took a liking to her. He was informed that she was the woman who Elijah was interested in and Klaus oddly enough, didn't want to kill her.

Damon was pouring himself a glass of liquor with a smile on his face. He enjoyed Klaus' company as Klaus enjoys his. They were a duo like no other, constantly getting themselves in messes that Elijah had to fix. It was almost as bad as Kol and Damon.

"Who is this guy, Safari Sam?" Klaus/Alaric asked with a scowl before he grabbed two outfits from the closet and walked into view. "OK, bad, or badder?"

"The dark colors suit you better," Katherine said with a brave face on.

After that, Melina points at the one on the left, "That one."

"Oh, thank you, honey," Klaus/Alaric smirked at Katherine. "OK, pop quiz. The dagger and white ash are in your possession, correct?"

"Correct," Damon said, plopping himself down on the couch.

"That dagger needs to stay exactly where it is, do not let it go anywhere until I want it to," Klaus put a jacket on himself.

"Don't forget that you're on the outs with your girlfriend Jenna," Katherine reminded.

"Right, Elena's aunt. For all the lies about Isobel." Alaric nodded and walked closer to them causing Katherine to squirm. "What else?"

"The witch, Bonnie, may be able to kill you," Damon informed him with a shrug.

Melina turned to him with raised eyebrows, "Since when?"

"Last night," Damon answered nonchalantly.

Klaus/Alaric looked at him annoyed, "And you didn't think to mention it until now?"

"Did you not hear the part where I was only told last night?"

"I thought she doesn't have her powers anymore," Klaus/Alaric crosses his arms.

"Surprise," Damon waved the hand that wasn't holding his cup in fake enthusiasm.


"I want you to sign here, and here," a man with the sheets to sign the house over, sat in the living room. Sliding a sheet over to Melina who sat with Mira, Bonnie, and Elena.

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