Chapter one

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Cold water splashed on me waking me up instantly. I turned my head towards Chiara and she took one look at me then ran out of my room. I chased her around the house until she tripped going down the stairs pulling me along with her. I hit my head at the bottom and smacked hers upwards.
"Idiot, why did you pull me along with you?!" I smacked her again, earning a scowl from our other triplet.

"You two sound like a bunch of elephants. I can't wait till we all leave high school and go to different colleges." We rolled our eyes at Alessia. She can be such a drama queen I swear.

"Anyway, breakfast will be ready soon so get ready for school. Chop chop."
Ugh. School. The definition of hell. What is the point in it? Why do we know what x equals to? As if it's going to help us when we're older. I don't get it.

I grabbed my uniform and went into the bathroom to have a shower and get dressed. The hot waiter burnt my cuts I got from a fight yesterday at school.

I kept my top two buttons undone and my tie loose and went downstairs for breakfast. My sisters were there waiting for me whilst talking about the netball team. They're the co-captains of the team and they have a competition coming up.

We had left the house and made our way to school. Getting out of the car and going to school is a nightmare. It's like a celebrity and the paparazzi. Everyone stares at you, takes photos, girls throw themselves at me and the boys catcall the girls. Like I said, a nightmare.

One group is the worst though. Emily and her trio think they run their school because our parents are friends. She always tries to seduce me but every time I see her I want to vomit. Then there's Jack and his group; he's tried to get with Alessia god knows how many times but he never got the chance. He then went on to Chiara but she only went out with him to play him and so he would leave her alone. But that just made him more desperate. When we walked in everyone turned our way, making an aisle in the middle of the corridor so we could get through easily.

Even though it's very annoying there were some upsides to it; such as people making way for you, teachers being scared of you and letting you do what you want, pupils also scared of you and doing what you want.

I walked to my locker to see my boys already there laughing about some unheard joke. I tapped on the locker next to me, making them jump.

"Hey Li, there's a new girl today. Word is that she's the Rizzo's new bitch. Wonder if they'll share?" I shook my head at them with a smirk pulling at my lips. It suddenly dawned on them, and they went from laughing and having fun to shitting themselves.

"Who are you talking about; I certainly hope it isn't my little sister cause that'll not be too good for you." They turned around and saw the Rizzo family looking pissed. They mumbled incoherent words and looked both ways before running for their lives.

"And what about you Giorgi? What do you have to say?" Antonio's pissed off expression made me chuckle lightly.
"I say welcome to Miss Lightlyhood school. You're gonna hate it." I turned around away from them and went to my next class. Forgetting about my books and deciding to skip the lesson. It was only French. It's not like I'm going to go there anytime soon.


It was lunch time now and so far I had skipped most of my lessons. I sat with my sisters and my boys. Along with the girl's best friend Lily. Lily is really nice and is the most reasonable out of three but will also make sure we go to a club or party at least once a week.

I was talking to the boys about Scott's new boyfriend when the cafeteria went silent. We turned to look at the doorway and saw the Rizzo's and their new found sister.

She had long dirty blonde hair that reached her waist, stormy grey eyes and a light smile on her face. She looked nice. The youngest of the Rizzo's came up to her and tried but failed to put her arm and her shoulder. In doing so, Matteo put his arm on her shoulder making her scowl at him. She laughed at her and shoved his arm off.

They made their way to their table, which is next to ours. She grabbed an apple, packet of crisps and chocolate milk.
No one spoke until they knew that they were starting to eat then the cafeteria erupted into noise and chaos.

I was eating my apple when something hit the back of my head. The cafeteria went quiet. Again. I stood up and turned around. I saw Jack and his friends chuckling but soon stopped when I made my way towards them. With my apple still in my hand I chucked it up and caught it a few times before I spoke.

"Who threw that apple at me?" I glared at them.

"He did." They pointed at Jack. I scoffed and made my way towards him, towering over him.

"So Jack, why did you throw that apple?" He shook his head and shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know why. I just thought to do it and well here we are." I smiled and punched him in the jaw, then the stomach and finally his nose. Blood poured out of his nose and dribbled down his busted lip.
"Mr. Giorgi, my office. Now." Miss Lightlyhood shouted through the cafeteria.

Oh dear.

I walked into her office without knocking and sat down in front of her. She raised an eyebrow but didn't question it.

"Now why did you get into a fight? Again." I shrugged.

"He threw an apple at the back of my head so I thought I'd teach him a lesson. Nothing major." She shook her head.

"Look, I know that your father makes very generous donations to the school. But if this keeps up I will have to suspend you for 2 weeks. We can't have this kind of behaviour and also have other students think that it's acceptable. This is a warning but if it happens again then I will have to. Now go back to class." I nodded my head and left.

My dad is going to kill me.

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