That day in 1792

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Carrassic Hall, a beautiful Manor belonging to the Dashwood family. The ballroom has double door entrances on either side of the room and the wall's are lined from floor to ceiling with beautiful gold designs. The Dashwood's are introducing the Willoughby family into a new society. As the clock chimes seven o clock, the doors open, the guests stop dancing and bow in respect as Lord and Lady Willoughby and their son John Willoughby are announced and enter the room. Lord Dashwood then nods to the orchestra who resume playing as the guests return to their dancing. John Willoughby a handsome young man but a little bit shy stands in the corner quietly observing the room. As his gaze falls on the familiar face of Elinor Dashwood a beautiful young lady he once knew before from his childhood, he felt the old familiar sensation of butterflies in his stomach like he was 14 years old again. John mustering the courage to ask her to dance while thinking to himself "will she still remember me" "what if she doesn't think of me the way I think of her" finally! gaining enough courage to go ask her to dance, he walks toward her and just before he's about to ask her to dance, another gentlemen steps in and asks her first, as they are walking away they caught one another's gaze as if it were that first glance into each other's eyes as teenagers when Elinor realized that she recognizes John from her childhood, she starts thinking, and when the music is done she bows to her partner and asks to be excused she walks over to talk to John, John!? I can't believe it, its been so long they, how are you? Talking about their past and what's been happening since her and her family left London. After talking for 15 minutes inside, they decide to take a walk out in the garden to finish their conversation. After talking in the moonlight for the last couple of hours they decided to go back inside the house and join the party, when they got inside and saying hello to a few friends, John bows and asks as he offers his hand out to Elinor "may I have the honor of this dance?" she accepts with no hesitation, the orchestra begins the waltz, they begin dancing. Dancing every dance together, with their eyes never leaving sight of one another ("both feeling as if they were the only one's dancing in the room") and quickly become the center of attention, without a care in the world John and Elinor keep dancing. As the strikes clock 10 o clock pm and the ball ended and the guests have started to leave, John of course was the last to leave having wanted to talk more with Elinor after talking for another hour and a half, John not ready to leave but knew it was time, (John opens the door) and Elinor walks him outside to the gate, says goodnight and as she turns around to start walking back up the way towards the house, He says!

John: "Elinor, wait! "There's something I've been wanting to ask you!"

Elinor: "yes! what is it?"

John: {with slight hesitation in his voice he says} "can I kiss you?"

Elinor: {pausing for a moment looking into his eyes, then answers} "yes!"

John, gently grabs her chin, slowly bringing her in for a kiss. His hands moving down to her arms (just below her shoulders) he leans in to kiss her, pressing his lips against hers, while her hands slightly hold on to his wrists kissing him back. When suddenly they were startled by a rustling noise in the garden. Breaking off the kiss quickly before anyone saw them, both looking around for the cause of the noise only to find out it was just the cat. Elinor looks back behind her, John lifted his hand to her chin and turned her head back towards him slowly kissed her softly one more time and said goodnight. Waking before the day break and before anyone else in the house, Elinor decides to take a walk to think about what happened last night with John. after she walks few miles, she ends up in a field full of beautiful wildflowers swaying in the warm summer breeze also residing in the field a large oak tree where she likes to sit and enjoy the general splendor of nature. After sitting under the tree for awhile Elinor begins to think about what happened last night with John, "am I in love with him" she thought to herself, she cannot tell weather her heart is confused or if she is in love or not. Sitting in silence listening to her unruly heart beating inside her chest, when she sees her sister Marianne walking up the pathway through the field towards her, I have been looking for you everywhere Elinor have you been here all this time? "Yes, I have, I've had some thinking to do" thinking? Said Marianne, may I ask what you were thinking about? (Elinor pauses for a moment) turns toward her sister and says "I've been thinking about John" "John Willoughby?" "Yes! John Willoughby" says Elinor, Last night at the dance I saw him looking my way a few times. Then he walked over to me and wanted to ask me to dance, but then an0ther gentlemen stepped in and when we walked away to the dance floor I turned back and looked at him and he looked back at me and in that moment, I realized that I recognized John from when we were young and I got those butterflies in my stomach like I was 16 again" oh Marianne! I don't know how to feel I don't know if I like him or love him. "Love him?" Elinor, it's only been one day and you're already talking about loving him!" Marianne, you think its only been one day, but the truth is it's been what feels like and eternity for me" oh Elinor, your heart will tell you when the time is right but here and now lets just it one day at a time. Getting home late that afternoon, who should be there waiting, but John Willoughby who was sitting on the patio talking with lord and lady Dashwood

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2023 ⏰

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