Ch. 7 Letharia Vulpina

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THE WIRE WHIPPED TOWARDS BOTH KIRA AND PIPER AS THE TWO QUICKLY BACKED AWAY. It kept coming towards them, until an ambulance ran into it. The driver panicked and hit a fire hydrant before ending up in the grass in front of the hospital. Water poured into the parking lot as they watched, and the wire laid just within the growing puddle of water.

A car stopped nearby and both Allison and Isaac got out, watching the scene in confusion. The ambulance driver got out, stepping into the water. Sparks flew up around him as his body convulsed from the electricity running through it. "Stop! Everyone, get back!" Kira screamed, waving her arms to try to stop everyone.

The ambulance driver fell over into the water and Allison stepped towards him. "Allison!" Isaac yelled as he realized she was about to step into the puddle. He shoved her onto the grass, just before the water reached his feet.

"Isaac!" Allison cried as she watched sparks fly around him.

Piper just stood back from the puddle, watching everything in horror. A few others had gotten out of their cars and fallen into the water as electricity ran through them. A car suddenly came barreling towards both her and Kira. Piper quickly dived to the side- away from the water- but Kira jumped towards the car. She stepped across the roof of the car and jumped into the water. "Kira!" Piper yelled in concern, but she was fine.

Both Hales and Scott reached the parking lot, all three stopping before they reached the water. Everyone watched as Kira grabbed the sparking wire. She placed her hand over the sparking end, absorbing the electricity from it. The hospital lights flickered as all of them watched, and her eyes glowed.

With the puddle no longer electrified, both Hales ran to their injured pack member. "Isaac?" Ayla said as she dropped onto the ground next to him.

"He's not breathing," Derek realized as he checked for a pulse. "Scott, he's not breathing!"


They had gotten Isaac breathing again, but he wasn't healing like he should've been. Derek took Ayla home, despite the fact that the she-wolf seemed reserved to spending her night in the hospital with her friend. Piper went with the Hales, deciding that she didn't feel like going home. Kira's mother had been at the hospital for something, so she had taken her home.

Currently, Piper was sitting on her ex's bed with Lucifer on her lap watching what she could only call Ayla's spiral into insanity. The she-wolf was running off of stress and caffeine and it showed. Piper had lost count of how many different drawings Ayla had started and abandoned as she tried to get a vision that would be helpful.

Stiles was missing again and she had decided that she needed to find him. But unfortunately, Ayla's visions rarely gave her any good answers.

"You think that maybe you should get some sleep?" Piper wondered.

"Why so I could be well rested while being completely useless?" Ayla asked, pacing her room.

"No, because you've been missing a lot of school and I thought you might need at least an hour of sleep before you had to deal with that," Piper explained.

Ayla shook her head. "I'm literally losing my mind. I just keep seeing that stupid basement and that thing and then there's the beeping! Oh, my God! What is the beeping?" she yelled.

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