Chapter thirteen; Looks like we're going to the ER...again.

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"C'mon lovebirds!" James shouted as a blur of white hair and Leo

followed right after her, causing Remus to get dizzy and shook his head to get rid of it, making Sirius laugh, kissing his cheek.

"Shut up." growled Remus, smacking him upside the head. Sirius rubbed the back of his head, sticking his tongue out playfully at Remus.

Remus laughed at him, walking towards Lily's car, while James was sitting up front with her.

"Finally gonna give Prongsie here a chance then, Lils?" Sirius teased her, smiling like an idiot.

Lily shrugged as James rolled his eyes, Lily pecked his cheek softly.

"If you screw up, this is your only chance, Potter." Lily warned as Remus and Sirius got in the back. Remus lay his head on Sirius' shoulder, looking slightly pale. Lily saw this and pulled over for a minute.

"Re, what's wrong?" asked Lily, turning around to face her brother who was pale as though he saw a ghost.

"Rem.." Sirius whispered softly, rubbing circles on his back. Remus said nothing and kept his mouth shut, curling into Sirius.

Lily then knew what was going on. She cursed under her breath. James raised an eyebrow, confused at what was going on. Lily explained quickly, James had caught every word she said.

"Padfoot, keep Rem from throwing up in my car. We'll be home soon, bubu." Lily said. Sirius kissed Remus' temple, seeing how pale he was.

"James, call my mum for me will you?" asked Lily as she made her way back home. James nodded and called Hope, putting it on speaker.

Lily, what's wrong?- Hope

"Remus is pale, like really pale and isn't saying a word, I'm a bit worried." Lily said, tapping her fingers impatiently against the wheel.

Lily, I want you to stay calm. Okay? I'm going to call Remus' doctor.- Hope

"Okay, mama." Lily said, her voice was thick with tears as Hope ended the line. Remus had fallen asleep in the back, resting against Sirius. Sirius noticed that his pale cheeks were red. He placed his hand on his forehead, feeling Remus burn up.

"Sirius, in Remus' bag or his pocket, there should be a plastic zip-loc bag with his pills." Lily explained. Sirius followed her orders and rummaged through Remus' rucksack and looked for the zip-loc bag. Not finding it, Sirius woke Remus up for just a minute so he could grab the plastic bag from a smaller compartment in his rucksack before falling back asleep against his boyfriend, soft snores escaping his lips. Sirius carefully handed it to Lily without waking Remus, who had shifted, curling into his side.

Lily took the bag and her eyes went wide.

"What is it, Lily?" asked James softly as she drove into the driveway. Lily told him quickly as Hope came out the door, looking at Lily with wide eyes, Lily handed her the bag.

"Oh no." She gasped, glancing at Sirius who had a sleeping, pale Remus in his arms, curling into his side as much as possible. Lily and James got out and followed Hope inside along with the couple.

"Lily, did he take one at all today?" asked Hope.

"Before we left for school, he didn't feel good around lunch so he and Sirius went to the nurse." explained Lily, seeing Remus smile in his sleep. Sirius shrugged.

"Wake him up for me, will you?" Hope asked, rummaging through a First-Aid kit. Sirius gently woke Remus up, who felt nauseous and wanted to sleep.

"Re, how'd you feel at lunch?" Remus shakes his head, clinging to Sirius more, not opening his mouth. The doorbell rang, Hope answered it. The air in the room went silent. Tension was thick around them.

"Lyall." Hope growled, Lily stood up.

"Hope. Listen," Lyall said.

"Two minutes before you get a mouthful of Lily's fist." said a weak voice from under Sirius' arm. Sirius cooed at him.

"Remus? What happened?" asked Lyall. Remus growled at him, curling into Sirius.

"Lyall, leave." Hope said, closing the door and walking back over to the two and dug around for an antidote. Lily croons softly at

Remus as James was confused at the whole thing. Sirius kisses Remus' temple, soothing him down a little. Lily looked at her mum, worry was in her eyes.

"Mum, you know Remus is going to give a fight for it." Lily said, sitting by James and intertwining their hands together. Hope thought for a minute before calling a family friend who happened to be their doctor. Remus' eyes flashed open, Sirius cooed at him as Lily stood up and went to get a wastebasket just in case, which then Remus leaned over and threw up.

Sirius made circles on his back softly. When Remus was done, he leaned against Sirius, now awake.

"Re, what happened?" Lily asked softly, Sirius looked between the two siblings, still rubbing circles on Remus' back. Remus shook his head and leaned into Sirius.

"Malfoy and Lestrange." Remus said, curling into Sirius who kissed his head. Lily nodded solemnly, feeling James making circles on her wrist.

Hope comes back, a look that Lily knew too well. Remus looked scared so he buried into Sirius' side, crying softly. Sirius cooed at him softly. Hope sat by Remus, holding his hand.

"Re..." Hope said. Remus knew what she was trying to say, he shook his head and buried into the crook of Sirius' neck.

They'd only gone to the E.R once, when Remus had accidentally drank Lily's cup of milk, thinking it was soy milk instead. Sirius cooed at him softly.

"I know you don't want to, but you have to." Hope said softly. Remus felt Sirius trace circles on his back, he reluctantly gave in and hummed a tune he knew by heart, his and Sirius' comfort song. Blackbird by the Beatles.

Sirius knew what he was humming so he started to sing quietly to Remus.

🎵🎵Blackbird singing in the dead of night

Take these broken wings and learn to fly

All your life

You were only waiting for this moment to arise

Blackbird singing in the dead of night

Take these sunken eyes and learn to see

All your life

You were only waiting for this moment to be free

Blackbird fly, blackbird fly

Into the light of a dark black night

Blackbird fly, blackbird fly

Into the light of a dark black night

Blackbird singing in the dead of night

Take these broken wings and learn to fly

All your life

You were only waiting for this moment to arise

You were only waiting for this moment to arise

You were only waiting for this moment to arise🎵🎵

Remus calmed down a little at hearing Sirius' soft and gentle voice. Sirius gave a soft and sweet smile to his boyfriend. Remus nodded and let Sirius stand up with him in his arms. Hope whispered something to Lily and she went over to sit by James who was talking to Peter about the Chemistry homework.

WORDS- 1142

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2021 ⏰

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