Ch. 1 - The Boy in the Blue Hoodie

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The first day at her new school was as hell-filled as she'd imagined it to be

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The first day at her new school was as hell-filled as she'd imagined it to be. Normally not a shy girl, just a smidge on the introverted side, Kari felt so intimidated by all these strangers and their established cliques, it was as if she'd lost all knowledge of social skills. Not even how to say hello. Her legs felt like jelly walking through every classroom door and her voice matched. She'd observe her new peers while she'd keep to herself. Looked on as they laughed and had fun with each other, much like she used to do.

Things didn't improve much for her even after a couple weeks. And one morning, in English class, it all came to a head.

The teacher was standing at the front of the class in front of the board delivering a lecture detailing their assignment for the period. The book they'd been reading was Lord of the Flies. But Kari not only was behind due to joining the class a couple days after they started the book, but other things were on her mind so she never quite caught up. Whenever she'd think she managed at last, the class was ahead of her again. It had gotten to the point where she started taping notes to her arm under her sleeve and peeked at them to stealthily cheat on the quizzes and keep up grade-wise.

"I want you guys to group up to work on this assignment. I'll let you choose your groups. I recommend groups of three, but you can work in pairs if you want. Just get the work done. And if I see you guys fooling around, this'll be a one time thing."

Kari could feel her soul leave her body watching fellow students proceed to stand up and form groups of two or three with their friends like second nature. It happened fast, faster than she could process — and when it was over, she felt lonelier than ever. The teacher warned the 'privilege' to pick their groups would be taken if they didn't get the work done as a punishment!?

It wasn't like she could ask to work alone because she knew even if the teacher said yes, there wasn't a chance in hell she'd figure the whole thing out herself. Not without spending the entire period skimming the book only to not finish on time.

I guess I need to just pick some group to intrude on...

She looked around the room. Which group of strangers was she about to swallow her pride to?

But maybe she didn't have to do that. Behind her, sitting alone in the corner of the room was a certain someone she shared most of her classes with. Of all her new peers, he was the one who stuck out most to her. ...Literally. He was of average height, but had a rather heavyset physique; definitely one of the heavier guys in her grade. He had a round face, wide frame, and stocky limbs. His skin was sickly pale. His dull, unkempt, neck-length dark brown hair grew in loose waves that curled more at the ends. It concealed his ears, as if to assist in closing himself off from his surroundings. Like a built-in pair of headphones. And he'd always wear the same well-loved blue hoodie.

But it wasn't only his appearance. It was also his behavior. He radiated a noxious aura of gloom that repelled all, and that was perhaps why she'd never once seen him interacting with anyone. He often showed up late, and he didn't seem to ever participate. ...Apathetic. That was a good word to describe him.

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