Never one for Parties

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Elliott was never really one for parties. Though he dabbled in the unhealthy coping skill of alcoholism, he did that on his own. The distaste for crowded spaces kept Elliott behind his bar or in his apartment rather than mingling on the dance floor.
Tonight was different though. Tonight was the night after his 100th win of the games, so it was expected that he'd celebrate.
Though not thrilled about the idea of going to the usual party hosted after every game for the winners, Elliott dressed to wow the fans that would be there.

A leather jacket and white tank was good for Elliot and he knew that the fans would eat it up, they always do. Halfway through the night he would remove the jacket and fans would awe over his arms and attention would be on him again. No, not him. Mirage.
The fans loved Mirage. They didn't know Elliott, the anxious guy who fretted too much about his mother and dealt with it by abusing alcohol. The guy who was self conscious of his stutter, unsure about his place in the world and someone who honestly didn't want everyone's eyes on him.

The one person who knew it all was Renee.
His partner in crime. They became friends after their first game together, she was a caring and good friend hidden under all of her nonchalance and wittiness.
She was his date to the party tonight, or so he thought.
When he made it to her place he found that Renee was not the one to answer the door.

"Oh! Elliott! Salut!"

Natalie beams at him as she leans against the doorframe. Elliott recognized the shirt she was wearing, it was one of Renee's favourite shirts.
*I'm not telling you. Maybe once you have a girlfriend to tell me about, then I might tell you. Info for info.*
Renee's words echoed in Elliott's head from when he had tried to pry into her dating life. She usually kept her personal life... personal, save for a few things Elliott had gotten from her while they were drunk.

"N-Nat! Hi, uh... is Wra-Renee here?"

As if in cue Renee walks up to the door, her cheeks painted red as she softly ushers Natalie out of the doorway and back into the apartment.

"So Natalie? Didn't think you batted for the other team."
Elliott grins at her, being cheeky. He knew plenty about her preferences after she promptly rejected his advances early in their friendship.
Renee rolls her eyes as she takes a step out and shuts the door behind her.

"Whatever, at least I'm getting some..."

She wasn't wrong, with the business of the season and up keeping the bar there wasn't much time for relationships or even the odd hook up.
The loneliness almost left a void in his heart and a definite blow to his libido.

Elliott looks her up and down finally taking in her attire. She was wearing sweats and a light pink tank top with a cat in a box. Not really her style but he had a feeling Natalie had something to do with it.

"I'm just gonna ignore that... What are you wearing?"

"The shirt was a gift okay..."
Renee mumbles as she avoids his eyes.

"No I mean why aren't you dressed up?"

"I can't go tonight. Nat has some issues going on with Caustic and Crypto."

"So you're making me go alone."

"Yep. You'll survive."

Elliott frowns but understood, when one needs help he would also answer the call.

"Do you guys need company?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2022 ⏰

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