Chapter 7: A Little Reunion

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A/N~ Hey guys thank to so, so, so much for 270 reads I'm so happy right now!! I will be putting my OC in this chapter. Enjoy!

~Your POV~

So it’s any regular day at the guild: Erza is eating cake, Natsu and Gray are fighting, and Cana is in the corner getting drunk.

Natsu remembers something and stops fighting. He comes over to me and asks "Hey (y/n) wanna join team Natsu?" "Sure why not?" I cheerfully respond. "GREAT LETS GO FIND A JOB!!" He practically screams in my ear. I cringe at the sudden ringing in my ears. I slowly walk over to the mission board just to bug Natsu. "Come oooooon (y/n) hurry up I'm getting older by the second!!" I quicken my pace by a lot and soon reach the mission board. We scan frantically trying to find a good paying mission. "Ooooo this one looks fun!" I exclaim. You had to team up with a couple other people defeat a dark guild. I shake the paper in Natsu's face. "Stop the shaking the paper I can't read it" I didn't stop. He got annoyed so he just grabbed the paper out of my hand. "I guess we could do this one"


~Natsu's POV~

We get off the train and Erza says that we are 1 hour late. But she knew that we would be late so we left one day early. Since we have to wait a day we all head to the hotel. The girls (you, Erza, and Lucy) wanted to take a hot bath. So they all left to make that wish come true, once we checked in. Gray and I got bored fast so I threw a pillow at him. "OH ITS ON FLAME BRAIN” He shouts as he throws a pillow back at me.

~Your POV~

We strip down and slip into the hot water. The heat reminds me of Natsu. 'I wonder what he's doing right now', we sit there soaking in silence until I say I'm getting out to head back to the room. And as I said: I got out, wrapped up in a towel, and walked back to the room.

~Mini time skip brought to you by chibi, neko Levi~

I get to the room to see Natsu and Gray having a pillow fight. I get my pjs and put them on as quickly as the universe would let me. I grab two pillows and throw them at the boys' stomachs. They slightly stumble backwards but throw the pillows back at me. I let out a slight yelp and start dodging all the pillows.

~time skip to the morning~

We still had some time left before we had to meet the other group. Lucy thought that it would be a good idea to walk around town. We all get ready and go sightseeing until we have to meet the other people ( A/N~ ewwww socializing). Time flew by quickly and then we met up with the other group. One of the three people is a girl. She has orangey red hair with a hat over it and her bangs flopping out, pretty teal colored eyes, a black t-shirt tucked into pink shorts with a black belt holding the up, and loosely tied black leather combat boots. She ran up to me and brings me into a tight hug and squeals "ITS BEEN SO LONG (Y/N) I HAVENT SEEN YOU IN FOREVER!" I instantly knew who it was and hugged back. "Carmel it's so good to see you again!" Carmel is (my OC) your childhood friend before your family died and you ran away. "I was so heartbroken when you left." She said sadly. "Sorry Carmel you kinda don't know what to do when your entire family dies." "It's ok. just next time stay in contact." Carmel says and giggles slightly.


Sorry if it's a little short I'm just really tired its right now about 12:15 am. Til the next chapter guys.


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