Shopping day.

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I woke up early in the morning from existment. I hoped out of bed brushed my hair. In case you're wondering. My hair is upto the middle of my back.
After I've brushed my hair, I headed for the bathroom to take a bath. We always do like this. Father says it's better to bath before breakfast. Cause thing after you've the bath first and then breakfast. You're pretty much ready for the day.

After I washed up, got dressed and went downstairs. With no surprise. Father waiting for me in the living room. Like I said. He's usaly earlier than me.
"Good morning my dear. Are you ready for today?" Father said. I nodded. I remembered to take my list of what I need from Digone Alie. I grabbed father's hand and we Dedsaperrated. We landed in Digone Alie. We went to the clothing store first. To get my uniform and clok.
"Good morning sir..Oh, Porffeser Snape!? How can I help you?" The shope keeper asked as he quickly stood up."Yes. We're here to get my Silena here, her school uniform." Father said. The shop keeper looked at me kindly and then looked back at my father. I held onto father's hand like he always tells me to do."So this little one is going to join Hogwards. You must be proud." The shope keeper said. Father nodded his head.

The man move from behind the tile.
"Well then. Let's see what we have that fit. How many do you want sir?" The shop keeper asked. I took a uniform that should fit and went to the fitting room.
"I believe three of the uniform should do." Father said. I called out to my father to say that they fit.
I felt the fitting room. And went to where father and the shop keeper was. We paid for the uniforms. And we went down the street.

We were getting close to
Mr. Olievanders wand shop."Well dear. You can go in there so long and see wich wand you get. I'll get your school books. Alright?" Father said checking if I'm ok with going on my own. I nodded.
I walked into the shop. The bell rang signalling that they have a costumer.
"I'll be right there!" A voice called. I walked around the shop looking at all of the wands. Wondering which one would I get. Grandpa said I should let the wand choose me. I stood by the entrance and waited for who ever. Until I was hit in the back by the door."Oh! Sorry." A boy said. I turned to the boy and smiled.
"It's alright. It was my fault anyways. My father has told me that "that" would happen if I keep stand in front of a door." I said. The boy smiled and looked and looked back at me..I think he's one of those shy one. The both of us got a startled by a sound. We looked where the sound came from. And it was Mr. Olievander himself."I'd wondered when I'd be seeing you Mr. Potter, and you Mrs. Snape." Mr. Olievander said. Mr. Olievander moved to one of the shelves and grabbed the first boxs and came.
"So...who going to try this one first?" Mr. Olievander asked looked between us. I looked at the boy shocked. It was Harry Potter. I never thought I'd meet "The boy who lived". And the the son of my parents's best friend."You can go first." I said. I gestured Harry to go first."Oh no. You can go first." Harry said. I smiled to say thank you. I took the wand and flicked the wand at one of the boxes. The box exploded into dust."Seems like that wand's not for you Mrs. Snape...maybe this one." Mrs. Olievander said. I took a dark-blue wand flicked that one at a bookshelf. That turned into splinters."No, No and no!" Mr. Olievander said loudly. Then he walked to the far back of the store."I think this would do." Olievander mumbled to himself. He came back with a suspicious box.

He opened the box, and pulled out a White oak wand.

He opened the box, and pulled out a White oak wand

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It's a very rare wand. From what I've heard. No one has ever been excepted by this wand."My my Mrs. Snape. If I think of your connection to your family. It makes sense for this wand to choose you. It's a very powerful wand. Use it carefully young lady." Said Mr. Olievander said patting my back. I nodded at Mr. Olievander. And said goodbye to Harry Potter.

I felt the shop where father was waiting for me. He already had my school books.
"Well? Let's see what wand you got." Father said. I gave my wand to him. Father was amazed that I got the "White Oak wand". "Incredible that you got this wand. I'm proud of you. This means you'll be a great witch someday." Father said as he gave my wand back. Father was really happy that I got this wand. He's always wanted the best for me. And I love him for it.

"So shall we get that cat of yours?" Father asked. I nodded existently.
We entered I ran through the store to see if you can find the cat I want. I didn't even hear the clerk welcoming us. I was going through the cat section to see if I can find the breed that I want. A Siamese cat. I was lucky to find the last one. He was gorgeous.

"Father, I found it!" I said. Father joined me. I took the cate in it's cary on.
"So that's one you want. He'll surely suite  you my dear." Father said while rubbing my head. We headed to the counter to buy the cat."I hope you enjoy your companion." The clerk said. We disappeared with all the things home. And now we need to start packing.

"So what are we calling the cat?" Father asked. I gave it some thought.
"Hm....I think I'll call him Klaush." I said. Father looked quite interested with the name."Well it suits him nicely. With his pusture." Father said. Klaush laid in his cary on as if he was king of all cats.
"But remember dear. He's your responsibility. Understood?" Father said. I nodded my head to say yes. Bibby came into living room where we arived.
"Oh welcome home master Snape and mistress Silena." Bibby said with joy. I hugged Biby. I know most house elves would start panicking. But not Bibby."Dinner is ready" Bibby said. The dining room smelled wonderful. Father and and I went to the dining room and had our meal always the best meal.
"Oh Bibby. What would we do without you?" I said to give him a good complement. Bibby blushed."miss Silena. I only try my best."Bibby said still blushing. Bibby took the dishes away and into the kitchen.

Father and I headed to our rooms."Now don't go staying up all night playing with your cat Silena." Father said sternly. I nodded. I'm not that kind of child who disobeys her father.

I got into my sleeping clothes and got into bed Klaush laying next to me."Are you dressed dear?" Father asked. Father usaly comes to turn off my lights with his wond. It sooths me.
Father came into my room and next to my bed. Bent down and kisses my head.
"I love you. My little girl."Farther said in a lovely whisper tone. I smiled and leaned my head on father wrist almost asleep.
"I love you too father." I said with yawn. Father never corrected me when I yawned like a Hipo when I'm in my room. He only corrected me in public.

Father got to the door and watched me fall asleep. Wich I did. The last thing I heard was father turn off my lights with his wond.

Author's note.

Hey. Sorry that I have not written in a while. You know how the Christmas holidays goes. You can't get to the phone...Well I can't. Don't know about you guys. I just touch my phone and I get into trouble. Because it's "family time".

Anyways I hope you all have a good Christmas and a happy New year!!!

(Hi guys. I just want let u guys know. I have a backup account for incase this one disappear. But don't worry. I'll still be continue here.

But my backup account is ShiraVolturi2002)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2023 ⏰

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